As usual, there is a whole lot to clean up since RSID 21.
Let's start with a few news updates that are coming across the wires, shall we?
First of all, it is 35 degrees in Miami and Al Gore is nowhere to be seen or heard.
Secondly, Rod Blagoyevich has now followed up the Harry Reid remark about Obama by stating that he (Blago) is "blacker than Obama". He has, of course, now apologized, which makes it old news and no one is calling for his resignation. What? He has already resigned? Oh yeah! Indicted too, right?
Meanwhile in Cairo, a few dozen of George Galloway's Viva Palestina followers are still stranded at Cairo Airport as Egyptian authorities try to figure out whether to charge any of them for the riots and death of an Egyptian policeman-all left behind in the wake of Galloway's "humanitarian mission". Too bad they let the big kahuna get away.

Yeah, you!!
Viva Palestina is urgently asking its supporters to call everyone in the world to try and get them released. What's the phone number, you ask?
That's for me to know.
What's all this stuff about Somalians living in America who are flying back to Somalia to join Al-Shabab and traveling easily with US passports? Whose great idea was it to let them in the US in the first place?
Speaking of the State Department, I hear Hillary Clinton is flying off to Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea to "improve ties"?

Hey! If you want to improve ties, you don't send Hillary Clinton. Here's one of those "Golden Oldies" to ponder.
I see Israel has dropped a few bombs on Gaza in retaliation for the rockets that Hamas keeping shooting into southern Israel. Amazing how the international community ignores rockets falling on Israeli schools, but as soon as Israel fights back and starts kicking Hamas' ass, then come all the "calls for peace."
Isn't it great to see Harry Reid twisting in the wind? Negro dialect! I didn't even hear that when I was growing up in the 50s. I think Harry's punishment should be 500 hours of community service-listening to Hip Hop. Hey! I got it! Let's have somebody like L'il Wayne write a new hit entitled; "Harry the Ho".
Actually, my idea of community service for Harry Reid would be to take a permanent vacation.
I see today that Eric Holder has done his political duty by jumping onto the Help Harry Bandwagon, making his obligatory statement of support. The last time Holder was talking about racial matters, he was calling Americans cowards for not talking frankly about race-or some such.....

OK, Eric. Thanks for the statement. Now you can get back to investigating those right-wing extremists and that Florida blogger who makes fun of Alan Grayson (and me?) While you're at it "l'il Wayne, how bout a ditty called "Holder the Ho"?
Meanwhile, Ben Nelson, he of the "Cornhustler kickback", is spinning his fourth or fifth explanation for the sweetheart deal he got for Nebraskans-which most of whom say they don't want.
"I'll give it back."
"Let's give the same exemption to every state."
Isn't it amazing how Democrats are retiring faced with low public opinion polls. Chris (Countrywide) Dodd is an example. He's decided to retire since he (or his party) has figured out he's cooked politically. Reminds me of that time a few years back when that Senator from New Jersey was on his way to defeat and "he" decided to pack it in and let Frank Lautenberg take over the campaign (Lautenberg won). What was that guy's name? The "Bomb", the "Firecracker"? Oh yeah, Bob Torricelli, the "Torch". That's right. He was some 40 points down in the polls as a result of illegal campaign contributions, and he got a visit from Vinnie and Sluggo telling him it would be better to step down from the race and let a "winner" take over. Torricelli-the guy who married the woman that married Mick Jagger. So Lautenberg replaced the man who replaced Mick Jagger, right? Guess what the "Torch" is doing now. If you guessed lobbyist, you are right!
(I am digressing.)
Who do think will be the next Obama appointee to resign? Amazing how Kevin Jennings is still hanging around. He's the guy who is the "Safe Schools Czar"-protecting schoolkids from himself, I guess. Here are some of his colleagues showing their support for Jennings:

Don't get the connection? You need to do your homework. Actually, you're better off if you don't, but here's a clue. There is no (known) connection between Jennings and Hugo Chavez or Lee Harvey Oswald.
Just a feeling: Do you think Sean Hannity is going to run for the New York Senate seat this year?
I'll close now. I wanna catch C-SPAN's coverage of those health care bill negotiations.
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