So now John Edwards has issued an official statement that he has fathered a now two-year-old baby out of wedlock with Rielle Hunter. Talk about the world's longest water board session. With Edwards, it's one admission at a time every year or so. Edwards was named the Fousesquawk 2008 "Jerk of the Year". Had he made this latest statement before New Year's Eve, he might have been a repeat winner for 2009.
Of course, cynics like me will point out that the timing of this admission is connected with tomorrow's release of a tell-all book by Andrew Young, the guy who initially claimed to be the father in order to protect Edwards.
In this updated mea culpa, Edwards expresses regret over his lying that the baby couldn't be his because of the "timing of events". Young's book will reportedly describe how Edwards was trying to get a purloined pair of the baby's used diapers so he could have his own private paternity test done.

Of course, the final piece of the puzzle is to destroy Edwards' claim that he had nothing to do with and no knowledge of any efforts to pay money to Hunter. That's because if any money came out of Edwards' presidential campaign funds, crimes were committed, and that is presently under investigation.
So here we have this would-be president or vice president having his every lie exposed one at a time.
And guess what. The major news media had bits and scrapes of this story as it was unfolding-and refused to go after it because they were in sympathy with Edwards' progressive agenda. Even when the National Enquirer broke it, they pretended it wasn't there-until they couldn't pretend any more. Why is it that we need to turn to the National Enquirer to find out these things because the MSM won't report them?
And where is Edwards today? He is in Haiti with a team passing out things to survivors-probably getting in the rescuers way and trying to rebuild his sorry image. But then again, I am just a cynic.
I don't give a crap about Edwards, and he seems like a total douche for what he did to his wife. With that said:
And where is Edwards today? He is in Haiti with a team passing out things to survivors-probably getting in the rescuers way and trying to rebuild his sorry image. But then again, I am just a cynic.
Now THAT is really tacky on your part. Or are you planning a trip to Haiti anytime soon?
That is why I said I was a cynic and I am. We have been watching this guy's act for too long now not to view this cynically. And if Edwards was just an ordinary Joe with no rescue skills, do you think they would have even let him land?
It's a PR stunt when he desperately needs it.
Well, cynicism is hardly a virtue.
It all depends on whether you are right or not. I think I'm right. John Edwards is the biggest phony who ever came down the pike.
Somehow I doubt that the people who are receiving aid from him care whether he's being phony or not.
I like John Edwards. He is doing something right going to Haiti. Why are we disappointed when someone turns out human? It is because "our" expectations haven't been met. I don't expect people to be perfect, so I am not disappointed. He did what men have done for ages and he got caught. You are not privy to his personal demons. Doesn't make him an evil man.
Stop throwing stones. Gary, you are old enough to know better, and Lance will get to know many "douches" before he has reached our age.
Darn Lance, you made me use that word!!!
Lance will get to know many "douches" before he has reached our age.
Darn Lance, you made me use that word
I'm hanging a "Mission Accomplished" banner up behind me.
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