Well,it looks like O'Keefe and others are now charged with "attempting to tamper" with the phones of Senator Mary Landrieu's New Orleans office posing as telephone repairmen. (Man! I thought his pimp ruse was weak.)
At this point, we don't know much else-namely, who else is involved in this scheme. While on the treadmill a few minutes ago, I was watching MSNBC's Chris Matthews soiling his pants in glee as he discussed the case with Patrick Buchanan and liberal commentator David Korn. (Can you imagine what Olbermann will do with this? Oh, he's on? Yes, there he is talking about it now.) Anyway, on Hardball, the subject of Watergate, the infamous break-in of some 38 years ago, was brought up as if this might be a second Watergate.
Well, Chris, only if this leads right to the president's office. If it leads to some political operative, it would be something on a lesser scale.

"That's right!"
(Back so soon?)
All of which led David Korn to comment,
"What did the far-right blogosphere know, and when did they know it?"

Well, let me say something about that. First of all, O'Keefe's previous mentor, guide or whatever you care to call him, Andrew Breitbart, has issued a statement on his Big Government blog that he only became aware when he heard the news and has no connection to this latest adventure by O'Keefe.
As for me, let's see. What I know is what is in the media reports. When did I learn it? I would say about 3 pm (PST) when I saw it on the Internet. That takes care of my alibi.
To be a little more serious, I freely admit that I posted, most, if not all, of O'Keefe's ACORN stings on this blog. I have no plan to remove them. I think what O'Keefe did was good, OK? (as long as he didn't violate any state taping laws.) As a former DEA agent, I have participated in countless bugs and telephone taps-all legally court authorized. I am fully aware of how serious a crime illegal bugging is. If O'Keefe and his cohorts are guilty then they should go to jail. Similarly, whoever else put them up to this should be exposed and go to jail as well.
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