George Galloway and his Viva Palestina Friends
The below article comes to us from Steve Emerson's Investigative Project on Terrorism and concerns a reported squabble over money delivered to Gaza (Hamas) by your friend and mine, George Galloway and his Viva Palestina gang. It contains an article from the Fatah-run news organ, Voice of Palestine (Fatah is a rival of Hamas.)
What catches the eye is the word "funds". It appears that the squabbling (not surprisingly) is not over food, medical supplies or ambulances, but funds.
My question is- how much cash came out of the US? Isn't there a reporting requirement when you take more than a certain amount of money out of the US?

Has Viva Palestina complied with this requirement? That is up to our government agencies in Justice, Treasury and Homeland Security to find out, and that should be rather easy. (That is unless Tim Geithner tries to do it all on Turbo Tax, but I digress.)
And that doesn't even get into the question of all that cash (if the Fatah story is true)that has gone right to Hamas-a US-designated terrorist organization.
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