You remember IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri, don't you? No? Let me refresh your memory.

Well, the Times of London is now claiming that Pachauri deliberately hid the information about those melting Himalayan glaciers error until after the Copenhagan Conference and only when forced to acknowledge the error by the Times' reporting.
Here's my prediction: Sometime in the next 5-25 years, we are going to all realize that this global warming, climate change, or whatever you want to call it is the biggest hoax in world history.
I think the time has come for someone to launch an investigation into the agenda behind all these lies. In addition, we need to know who is getting rich off this movement. We could start with Al Gore.
Did Al Gore kick your puppy when you were kids?
Worse. He got him to believe in global warming.
Just curious, Gary, but what would it take for you to accept global warming? What evidence would you need, exactly?
I guess now we can continue to waste natural resources, pollute the planet, drill for oil wherever it suits us, poison the earth, empty the oceans, stuff our greedy faces, because Gary Fouse says there is no global warming.
Yes, all this goes hand in hand.
Gary, you say that you are a Christian. Read the book, it'll make a believer out of you.
Lance, ignore the last part.
Well, I guess if I see the Himalayas melt and dead polar bears floating down Main st, I'll believe it.
Now let me turn the question around. How many cases of fraudulent studies and East Anglias would it take to make you come to the conclusion that this is a hoax?
Why would the Bible convince me of global warming?
Gary, the Bible talks about the last days, it predicts all the things that are happening now. The destruction on Earth as we see it today is man made. I am not going to quote the book now. Jesus quoted from the Bible, that gives it credence. If you are a Christian, you believe in what he said, if not, you believe he was a liar, and why then would you call yourself a Christian?
Well, I guess if I see the Himalayas melt and dead polar bears floating down Main st, I'll believe it.
So, you won't believe it until it's too late, correct? What about the fact that the glaciers are melting, albeit not at the accelerated rate that was in that bogus report? What about the rise in ocean temperatures?
Now let me turn the question around. How many cases of fraudulent studies and East Anglias would it take to make you come to the conclusion that this is a hoax?
I think that those are about as significant as a poorly-written high schooler's paper on global warming.
I guess I'd be more convinced by the deniers if it was they who corrected the errors from those studies rather than scientists who still support global warming in spite of these errors.
Also, if it wasn't for the fact that so many international science acadamies (32 countries, if we can believe Wikipedia) support the man-made global warming theory.
It would also help if you guys could find some way to address the actual peer-reviewed (as opposed to the not-really peer-reviewed) research instead of just taking potshots at Al Gore. Oh, it would also help if the deniers would put their work up for peer review - as of now, I'm not aware of any who have, but I'd be really interested in finding out about it.
Like I said, I'm a skeptic. The arguments you deniers use push me closer to being a believer though.
Perhaps, I should say that I am a Christian, but not a Bible-thumping, Evangelical Christian, sort of like what we call "moderate" Muslims who believe in getting along with non-Muslims instead of killing them. I frankly don't know a lot of things in the Bible, but people have used the End of Days theory to describe what is happening in the Middle East and other current phenomena.
I can't believe you thought was turn-around question was juvenile. I thought it was brilliant. And you say you are a skeptic?
If you are a sceptic, wouldn't you want to prove this thing once and for all before we enact changes that would have the US trade places with Bangladesh? A bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point.
Stand by for more fraud exposes.
I wasn't saying that it was juvenile. I'm just saying that it doesn't matter because it was never peer-reviewed to begin with. If it was, and THEN it got debunked, then I'd be pretty interested.
As of right now, all I'm seeing is the debunking of things that everybody (including and especially the supporters of the theory) are calling bunk.
As for proving it once and for all, when we're talking about what will happen in the future, it will only be proven when it happens. This is why I still leave some room for doubt.
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