I swear I never watch that dopey show, "The Bachelor" (nor "The Bachelorette", which is the same thing only with the genitals turned upside down). My wife, however, watches both religiously with her next-door-neighbor-and about 275 million other people. While getting on the Internet this morning, I hear (alongside the Haiti earthquake news) that a similar earthquake has hit "The Bachelor". It seems that one of the sexy single gals was having a fling behind the cameras with one of the show's producers.
Hey! I thought she was dreaming of being the future Mrs. Jake.
Not that I am really shocked in any way. I always figured this show was the modern-day version of "Queen for a Day" only without the washing machines-sort of like getting lost in a marijuana-induced escape from reality.
Did I say reality?
Producer: "Ok, Roz, here's what you say; 'I know that Jake is gonna pick me cuz, like, he knows, I really love him and we are soul mates. I can, like, really see myself spending, like the rest of my life with him'".
Roz: (repeats)
Producer: "Great. Cut! Now come here, baby".
Well, anyway, the show had no choice to maintain its "integrity" than to fire the producer and kick the babe off the show. We can't let the public think this thing isn't real, you know. So Chris Harrison, the maitre D or whatever tells the babe to beat it and tells the world about how everything on the show has to be "true and transparent".
It's transparent, all right.
That's why every season has the same script, the same old tired lines about how each and every candidate literally falls in love with the Bachelor and tells us how she has found her "soul mate". That's why each and every time they have those little "rose ceremonies", the Bachelor gives the same old tired speech about how all the gals are the greatest this and that. That's why you see those shots of the girls getting real nervous as each rose is handed out. All the fake tears, the pathos, the suspense. Chris walking back into the room to announce, "There is one rose remaining....then walking back out as the Bachelor makes "the biggest decision of my life". It just makes you want to....

The only thing this show is missing is Paula Abdul and dancing bears.
Question: How many of these "couples" have eventually gotten married-one? That was so big, they even televised it. "The moment we have ALL been waiting for" according to Harrison.

(Yes, I saw it. I was in bed trying to get to sleep while the Mrs. had it turned on.)
Is it any wonder that people look at our culture and forecast the end of civilization as we know it? We have serious things going on in the world. We have millions of fanatics out there who want to blow us and the whole world up, and what are we doing? Watching "The Bachelor-"The Bachelorette" and "American Idol".
Eventually, however, people will tire of the same old story lines, the same old young and beautiful faces. They will demand more "Reality". I already have a brilliant idea.

"This is the most difficult decision of my life......."
1 comment:
Okay, you keep writing things that I agree with. Can you knock that off already?
The only thing that I'd point out is that you don't need to worry about society's decline. Hundreds of years ago, people loved to watch bears fight dogs ("bear-baiting", I believe it was called). There has always been, and always will be, entertainment that appeals to the lowest common denominator.
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