It is now reported that our geniuses in Congress (the Democrats) have now inserted an exemption into their health care bill that would exempt the Amish from being forced to purchase health insurance. It seems that these folks, as a tenet of their faith, rely on each other to take care of their medical needs, which is fine and dandy as far as I am concerned.
My purpose in pointing this out is that it is just another illustration of how messy this bill is. First, they make back-room deals to exempt certain people from the odious provisions in exchange for their support(people like Nebraskans and union members). Now the Amish. Who is next?
If one could visualize this bill, it must look something like this:

Talk about winding your way through one constitutional issue after another; freedom of religion vs equal protection, for example. This is a nightmare. And I firmly believe that there are plenty of legal and constitutional issues here. For example, I have a sneaking suspicion we will see a slew of "conversions" to the Amish faith.
So where will it all end?

Something like this, perhaps?
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