Passengers will have to stay in their seats for the last hour of the flight.
Passengers can't cover their laps with blankets.
Can you say Con Air?

How about we just handcuff every passenger for the duration of the flight?
Maybe, just maybe the powers that be in our government, especially, the incompetent Janet Napolitano, will realize that real security is on the ground before a passenger even gets on a plane. Once that terrorist passes through all the intelligence, the watch lists, the so-called security on the ground and that plane is in the air, it all comes down to the passengers who are in control of their fate (assuming no air marshals are on board). That point has been reinforced by the Abdulmutallab incident.) Abdulmutallab might has well have been an elephant walking through airport security and onto that plane.
What will happen on the ground will be more strip-searches of Grandma Moses and others who no sane person would ever suspect. Why? Political correctness, that's why. Heaven forbid we single out travelers from countries in the Middle East, Pakistan, Africa and Afghanistan. That would mean lawsuits. So everybody will have to suffer the indignities-like my 88-year-old father-in-law, a native of Mexico. When we boarded a flight from LA to London a few years ago, he had to get out of his wheelchair, remove his belt and shoes and be patted down. While all that was happening, 2 or 3 Abdulmutallabs, visas in order, probably walked right on through.
And Janet Napolitano insists that we are safe!
Plus no blankets for the last hour. No laptops, no books, no nothing. I can't wait until some riots over this.
Useless measures. Security starts on the ground.
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