
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Who is Dr Joe Medicine Crow?

"Some of you may have heard...."

In the last couple of days, President Obama's curious talk announcing the Ft Hood tragedy in front of a Dept. of Interior-American Indian conference has drawn attention to Dr Joe Medicine Crow, to whom the President gave a "shout out" as he spoke for 2-3 minutes before referring to Ft Hood. As a result, amid the criticism of the President, Dr Medicine Crow has unfortunately found himself in the middle. He deserves better.

Pundits have not only criticized the President for giving "shout outs before getting into the Ft Hood issue, but have also pointed out the fact that Obama incorrectly called Joe a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, which he is not. Joe is in fact a recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, our highest civilian honor, which Obama himself presented.

In fact, Dr Medicine Crow, who is in his 90s, has led a distinguished life. He is an anthropologist and Crow Nation historian, with a masters degree and honorary doctorate from USC.

More importantly, he is a decorated World War II vet who fought the Germans in Europe and was awarded the Bronze Star and Legion d'honneur.

Joe Medicine Crow is a great American.

So, if we are going to criticize Obama for his choice of words, let's not disrespect or make light of Joe Medicine Crow in the process.


Anonymous said...

Wait, there is a controversy about this? Seriously? I hate 24-hour cable news networks.

Gary Fouse said...

There has been some comment. Watch the appearance on video. It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess.

Findalis said...

Isn't Dr. Crow the last Crow War Chief. Awarded by the tribe to him when he recalled his exploits during WW2 when he had just returned home?

Medicine Crow said...

Thanks for your comments on my grandfather. I have seen the awful and even hateful comments about my grandfather on some internet sites that I will not mention here. Yes my grandfather deserves better. As I think back on all that he has achieved and the attention that has come with it--the good outweighs the bad. I am very proud of my grandfather and am thankful for those that see my grandfathers worth and that he is well deserving of the honors that have come his way through out his life.

Gary Fouse said...

And thank you, Sir, for your response, which I appreciate. Pls pass on my regards and appreciation to your grandfather. I hope he is well.