Who is this man?
Today was a good day in my English as a Second Language (ESL) class at UC Irvine, a class in which all the students are from foreign countries. My class is grammar and writing, and our writing textbook is very heavy on environmental issues-as so many California textbooks tend to be politically correct. Today, we were working on a chapter in which the issue of "climate change" was mentioned (like every other chapter). Here is what happened.
Now I try very hard not to reveal my personal political viewpoints in my class. However, today, as part of the conversation, I asked the class to name what famous person is known for his/her work on the issue of climate change, global warming or whatever.
Then I mentioned the name Al Gore.
"Who knows who Al Gore is?"
Then one hand went up.
I wrote the name on the board. One student asked, "Al Gorie?"
Then I asked who knew the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth"?
I let it end there because I would never tell my class that I think Al Gore is a crazy jerk.
Today was a good day in school.
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