Washington state capitol "Holiday Tree"
(No, Virginia, those are coconuts.)
In a huge victory for atheists, the state of Washington has banned Christmas and Hannuka displays inside the Capitol building in Olympia. The ban also includes nativity scenes and Jewish menorahs.
Well, thank God, they will still allow a "Holiday Tree" to be displayed. No word on what kind of tree it will be, maybe a palm tree imported from California.
Oh, did I say, "Thank God"? Pardon me. I really meant, "thank Mother Earth".
I don't know anything about this Freedom from Religion Foundation, and I have no problem with people who choose not to subscribe to any religion. What I do object to is this modern group of atheists who have adopted atheism as their own religion and want to impose it on the rest of us. It is not a question of separation of church and state, which is only a ruse to give them legal points to argue. What they are trying to do is destroy religion altogether and create a secular paradise similar to what we have seen come to pass in Europe. The fact of the matter is that America has no state religion and has done very well in respecting the religions of minorities. Religion is considered by most in the country to be a private matter, yet our Judeo-Christian heritage is a large part of our tradition and culture. That is why Christmas is recognized as a federal holiday.
Of course, Washington state is a "progressive" bastion under "progressive" Governor Chris Gregoire (D) (who ordered the ban), and I am sure not enough people in the state will raise a ruckus to overturn this decision. However, I feel strongly that if this nation goes the way of Europe and forgets its Judeo-Christian heritage, it will mark the beginning of a dramatic decline in our nation altogether. Or has that already been happening for about the last thirty years? Sorry, I forgot.
You see, this is just the first stage. Today, it's the atheists. Tomorrow (literally) it will be those folks who are anything but atheists, and who will restore religion-in a different form. So my final question is: How in the world are we going to stand up to militant Islam when we can't even stand up to the atheists?
Ah yes, I was wondering when your first idiotic "War on Christmas"* post of the year was going to be. At least you waited until after Thanksgiving. I guess you finally got your talking points to regurgitate.
*Copyright William James O'Reilly, Jr.
My dear Bryan,
It seems the facts of the story speak for themselves. Hardly "idiotic" in my view. What would you call it, a "war on the winter solstice"?
I am all for banning Christmas trees and Hannuka displays in public places, and I am a Christian.
Of course most people who call themselves Christians wouldn't understand.
The tree has nothing to do with Christ, it is a peagan symbol, and if the church wouldn't have compromised, as it always did, by pleasing people in letting them keep their heathen celebration or idol worship, this wouldn't have to be a subject to discuss.
Putting up a tree or displaying crosses is spitting in God's face, because it honors his enemy.
I must say that is a rather unique analysis of the issue. I don't see how the cross is a pagan symbol, but even if it is, I think you have missed the point.
Christmas displays are a part of our tradition and culture, just as in Europe. In America, we have also always given due recognition to Hannuka. If anyone is offended by what we have been doing our whole history, then I can only say-tough!
Gary, like most people you don't understand. The one who is offended is God. He told us how he wants us to worship him, but people here have decided how he should be worshipped. They are not listening.
Maybe you need to read the Bible or the commandments. God is serious, people are not. The whole Christmas etc. is peagan and God told us to stay away from it.
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