The cartoon has led to several letters to the newspaper and the university demanding an apology for the anti-Jewish characteristics in the cartoon.
And yes, there is anti-semitism there. I would liken it to old cartoons showing African-Americans eating watermelons. It refers back to a negative stereotype about Jews always wanting to save money. And what is the point of using a stereotypical Jewish name like "Checkpoint Chaim"? It is like adding the name "Rufus" or "Amos" to the African-American eating watermelon.
To me, this is just one of the many warning signs, coming especially out of college campuses, that the Israel-Palestinian conflict is leading to a resurgence in anti-Jewish feeling around the world.
Apologies are in order and a stern rebuke should come from the president of the university. The cartoonist and those in the paper that published the cartoon should be ashamed.
Take the Palestinian position in the conflict if you will, but leave the Jewish people as a whole out of it.
Follow up: Here is what "Red and Black" Editor Carolyn Crist has written in response to the furor.
Ms Crist's apology is welcome. This should be a lesson as to the value of careful editing.
A sad state of affairs that seems to be sweeping collge campuses today as many of us realize, and take exception to. Yes, this is somewaht offensive, and I have seen worse. I have also lived through bad times as I am Jewish, gave my life to the Lord in 1984. The hassles, fights and taunting that me and others endured gradually built up to the point
to where something had to snap, and it was me. No one messed with me after that, gave me a very wide berth.
I fear that this is what will happen again but on a much larger scale and it will be against the Jews. This is now becoming acceptable. It is OK to bash the Jews and you see it all over. A pro Islamic/Muslim president, a black American president could come out against such nasty acts and behavior. But he has not, and will not this adding to the polarization of not only blacks, whites but between many ideologoes and religions. This is a most toxic stew that just gets a wave of the hand and a wink. They are just Jews, it's all right.
Gary, thank you and appreciate your writings so very much. You are a very bright light in a land being covered in darkness. Light always wins out. I just pray and hope it is in our lifetime.
Thank you for sharing that, Patriot. You make a good point. Obama could make such a strong statement against anti-semitism. He has not and won't do it unless it's a pro-forma throw away line when he meets with Jewish religious leaders. I wish he would go on national tv and address the issue. It could have such impact.
In a way I am glad in the resurgence of anti-Semitism. Now the idiot leftist Jewish youth who have never known the prejudiced and fears their elders knew, can experience it a fresh. It will be an eye opening time for them.
Then they will NEVER vote for an openly anti-Semetic candidate again.
Isn't it sad that we already have the historical lessons in front of us and we-and the Europeans are still so ignorant?
"In a way I am glad in the resurgence of anti-Semitism."
I bet you are. Disgusting.
Anyways, President Bush had 8 years to go on national TV and "make a strong statement against anti-semitism" yet didn't. I didn't hear any complaining about that. Or maybe this problem has only existed since January 20th?
Some moron drew a slightly anti-semitic editorial cartoon in a university newspaper, alert the president!
Yes, alert the president of the university. Where is he, anyway-hiding under his desk? That's what most university presidents do best.
You are correct about one thing. Bush should have spoken out on it as well because it didn't start jan 20.
You read it here first, folks: FINDALIS SUPPORTS ANTI-SEMITISM!
Funny how Bryan doesn't get it yet Gary did.
This younger generation doesn't believe that it exists or how bad it is until it happens to them.
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