
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Project Meridian Foundation Bulletin

The Project Meredian Foundation, which I support, has sent out a newsletter, which is quite informative on the subject of child sexual exploitation.

The National Press Club, hosted Project Meridian Foundation

On September 15, 2009, a panel on Human Trafficking by the National Press Club, Washington D.C. hosted this event for Project Meridian Foundation (PMF).
Panel speakers included Former U.S. Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Project Meridian Founder & President, Nathan Wilson, retired Chief of Police and Executive Director of the Safe Surfin' Foundation (which promotes safe use of the Internet) Dr. Gary Reynolds, and Ambassador Lou de Baca, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, U.S. Department of State.
The event was attended by a number of reporters, including representatives of publications such as the New York Times, the London Times, USA Today, Politico, and John Hopkins.

Remarks from the event have resounded with great success. We would like to thank the National Press Club for hosting PMF and this event on awareness of Human Trafficking in the United States. (Read the rest of the story continued on page 2.)

National Association of Attorneys GeneralOn Monday, October 20, the

National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) Criminal Law Committee conducted a Topical Teleconference on Human Trafficking. The event was moderated by the co-chairs of the Criminal Law Committee, Alicia G. Limtiaco, Attorney General for the Territory of Guam, and Anne Milgram, Attorney General for New Jersey. The teleconference was also attended by dozens of other Attorneys General from the United States and U.S. Territories. Nathan Wilson of PMF had the chance to address the call for about 15 minutes, as did Bill Krieg of PMF.

Other participants were representatives of ICE and the DOJ. Much of the discussion centered on border policy and illegal aliens as primary culprits in the trafficking industry, Representatives from ICE noted that 396 illegal aliens had been arrested in trafficking-related crimes so far this year. ICE also reported on how fraudulent visas were becoming a prevalent method of facilitating the presence of illegal predators and the trafficking industry. Nathan Wilson and Bill Krieg brought to light the domestic implications of trafficking within the United States and reminded conference participants that sex trafficking exists as its own entity within the United States divorced from the activities of illegal aliens.

The epidemic of children forced into sex trafficking in the United States:Article
Written by: Jamison Beuerman, PMF, Communications Director

Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger emphasized this Quote:
"This phenomenon has proliferated in America's backyard with relatively little notice or attention paid to it."

Our country is facing one of the greatest threats to its national security and the fabric of its society, yet the vast majority of Americans are woefully oblivious to it.

On September 15, 2009, at the National Press Club, Former Secretary of State Lawrence S. Eagleburger, Nathan D. Wilson, President of PMF, Dr. Gary Reynolds and Ambassador Lou de Baca voiced their dedication to changing that trend. The panel aimed to drive home a key point to the audience: our nation is facing an epidemic on par with that of AIDS, yet amongst our society and government, little has been done to bring this crisis to our attention, let alone to prevent it.

Former Secretary of State Eagleburger emphasized that modern cases of sex trafficking are not yesterday' kidnappings. Rather, what we are facing is a tragedy of conspiratorial proportions. Human trafficking is a well-organized, multibillion dollar criminal enterprise. It is the third largest funder of terrorism, closely behind arms sales and the drug trade. Throughout America, and the world at large, organized crime and gangs are sponsoring this insidious enterprise. This phenomenon has proliferated in America's backyard with relatively little notice or attention paid to it. For this reason, it is imperative that the American people are educated on this evil and its moral and social costs. As reiterated by Mr. Wilson, human trafficking is a form of terrorism on
American soil; it is a corruption of America's youth and America's future. Despite recent stories of sex rings lurking on Craig's List, startling statistics of children exploited while in foster care, and recent human sex trafficking rings broken up in Virginia and New Jersey, most Americans remain completely oblivious to this encroaching danger. What America urgently needs are government laws and recognition to prevent the continued reach of this evil, as well as facilities and treatment for its victims. This issue transcends partisan politics and requires help from all sides to defeat it. As further argued by Dr. Gary Reynolds, education is absolutely necessary alongside enforcement to prevent the spread of this heinous crime. Prevention partly rests on acknowledging the threat and educating our children about it, which entails, for instance, internet safety. As such, part of the responsibility in fighting trafficking and sexual exploitation depends on the public's awareness. Meanwhile, Lou de Baca compared the current epidemic of human trafficking to a modern form of slavery. Citing Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation, Lou D. Boca argued that the United States has a moral obligation to enforce this basic human freedom. Such action demands participation from both citizens and the government to protect our communities and extirpate this evil from our soil. This panel proved to be a stirring call to arms for those willing to acknowledge what is quickly becoming a moral, social, and historic crisis in our nation.

Country Report: GuatemalaBy Kenan Mullis, PMF, Intern

Guatemala is a state teetering on the brink of failure. Corruption within the government, judiciary, and law enforcement is endemic; 98% of crimes go unsolved, and porous borders make Guatemala an easy conduit for human, drug, and weapons trafficking. Popular support for President Alvaro Colom is sharply divided. Trafficking victims go into a greater rate of risk. This is due to the migration of person from Columbia escaping the Cartels. They are migrating into Bolivia, Venezuela and other Central American countries. Trafficking victims in Guatemala are typically children and young women from nearby Central American countries,
and they are most often sexually exploited for commercial purposes or forced into labor, such as begging rings. Article 194 of the Guatemalan Penal Code proscribes human trafficking; however, judges frequently dismiss Article 194 claims in favor of "more familiar, but less serious" crimes, like pandering, which carry penalties too lenient to effectively discourage trafficking.

Corruption also hinders efforts to stamp out human trafficking. Police and immigration officials are suspected of falsifying identification documentation and allowing victims to cross borders in exchange for bribes. Despite efforts from the Guatemalan government, the situation in Guatemala remains bleak.

Meeting with the Austrians

On June 23, 2009, Nathan Wilson and Ross Handley met with Wolfgang Renezeder, Director of Press and Information Service for the Austrian Embassy. The meeting with the Austrian council was extremely productive.

They demonstrated much interest in continuing a dialogue with and working alongside PMF in raising awareness of human trafficking in both the United States and Europe, even to the point of being engaged in the training and operation of Operation Safe House and discussing PMF's potential role in an Austrian task force.

Join us today to combat & bring awareness to this crime against children and young women.

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Project Meridian Foundation is a 501c 3 non-profit.

PMF Corporate Mailing Address:
Project Meridian Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 29005 Richmond, Virginia 23242

Jamison Beuerman

Copyright © 2005 - 2009 Project Meridian Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

"Artists have a special role to play in the global struggle for peace because we speak not only to the people, but for the people "visually." Art is our chosen weapon against ignorance and hatred. Project Meridian Foundation answers the call for greater awareness and action in combating human trafficking abuses and
I applaud their efforts. There is a need out there for human rights education and as an artist I'm proud to help play a vital role in helping Project Meridian carry out their message." - Michael Bell

In the coming weeks, Project Meridian will be holding an online auction of Michael and his students' artwork influenced by human trafficking. Half of the proceeds will go towards the students, and the rest will go towards spreading awareness on this important issue.

Project Meridian Foundation (PMF) works to assist International, Federal, State, and Local law enforcement agencies by offering education and awareness training so that they may identify and recover victims of Human Trafficking and repatriate those who are kidnapped and exploited by Human Traffickers.
PMF works with national and international agencies and strives to bring awareness to our most vulnerable youth between the ages 11 and 17 while educating University students. PMF provides our country's leaders, civic groups and other organizations with factual and relevant information empowering them to take action against Human and Sex Trafficking.

Currently, Project Meridian Foundation is fundraising for the launch of Operation Safe House; an initiative to provide the victims of Human and Sex Trafficking with shelter, healthcare, education and vocational training opportunities so they can resume a normal life.

Help PMF by giving a financial Tax-Deductible Contribution today to build this first of its kind facility.

PMF's strategy is to combat and prevent Human Trafficking; and to rescue and rehabilitate victims by introducing a new and positive change in their lives. We will not give up! We will be the voice for the children whose voices cry out but go unheard.

We will continue to win the battle that is currently still in darkness, by rescuing and rebuilding powerless precious children and young women's lives.
With your financial Tax-Deductible Contribution you can save lives!
"If we save one life at a time; it is all worth it" - Nathan Wilson

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