
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Olbermann Again Insults Protesters

Tonight MSNBC had two topics to discuss, the Republican-led protest in front of Congress and the Ft Hood shooting. It was clear they had an agenda or thesis to push on both issues. I will speak about how the mad-hatters at MSNBC handled the Ft Hood affair sometime in the near future when we know more actual facts. Suffice to say that their handling of the event was a joke. I will comment now on their handling of the Capitol protest.

Of course, I am referring to Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. Olbermann, as is his wont, had his parade of liberals like Clarence Page and Eugene Robinson, who came on air to agree with everything Keith said. Olbermann, of course, mocked and condemned the folks who showed up, numbered them at 4,000-as opposed to Fox's estimate of 20,000- and pointed out that they were overwhelmingly white.

In other words, it was a racist protest-and Olbermann called it that.

"Terrifying" was the word he used to describe it.

He also brought up his canard that the folks who turn up at these events are angry (white), ignorant racists. His main prop was an admittedly tasteless poster showing dead bodies at Dachau with a reference to Obamacare. Michelle Bachmann, according to Keith, was inciting a violent revolution by her words likening the turnout to a "revolution".

Olbermann makes no effort to hide his utter contempt for average folks (especially if they are white) who object to the idea of government health care. To him, these folks are just ignorant, white racist rubes, who should get out of the way and allow the socialist takeover of America to proceed. He spouts nothing but venom and never-never dares to have on a guest who might speak for those people or disagree with his views.

How in the world can the suits in the NBC tower allow their network to become a place where their commentators denigrate a major part of the population as they do?

I would ask Olbermann if he found the protest so "terrifying", how many incidents of violence were there? Were windows broken or bottles thrown at police? Did the cops have to wade in and break up the event with billy clubs? Were people physically threatened? Were bystanders beaten up on the streets along the way to the capitol?

Of course not. They never are. All through this summer of discontent, I am not aware of one incident of violence except a handful that were initiated by pro-government health care goons like SEIU members. Yet boobs like Olbermann, Maddow and Robinson talk as if the great unwashed masses are storming the palace gates and marching liberals and Democrats off to the guillotines.

I am beginning to understand why ESPN got rid of Olbermann. He probably wanted to change the ball scores to his own liking.

"Tonight, the Cubs clinched the National League pennant, folks."

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