Here some photos from the event (New University). The guys in green t-shirts are the Muslim Student Union.

"Heigh ho, heigh ho. It's off to jail I go."

Protesters disrupt a class-no arrests made
Here is an editorial written by one of the protestors.
An excerpt:
"We’re up against a student press that parrots unsubstantiated reports of student violence against police while euphemizing police violence against students, as though harsh words and hotdog buns were a threat to batons and tasers; batons and tasers that the police turn disproportionately against students of color.
Indeed, we are up against an entire history of racist policy-making designed to keep students of color from ever entering the university. The walls of Jim Crow fell and were replaced by the walls of financial impossibility for students of color, which is why we stand for a university that is accessible to, and affordable for all students."
Fousesquawk comment: First of all, there should be strong disciplinary action taken against those who entered and disrupted classrooms. Secondly, I would remind Mr Bliss that the UCI campus is made up overwhelmingly of a majority of "people of color", however he defines that silly term. Secondly, the one person who was arrested was not a "person of color" as surely Mr Bliss would define it. His entire "racist" premise is silly.
What these jerks don't realize is that potential employers can and do discover these acts before they interview you. And unless you are applying for a job with ACORN or the boss is a former member of the Weathermen or the Black Panthers, they will not get the interview and/or job.
Would you hire the ones who get arrested or cause damage and disruption during a demonstration? I wouldn't. Again, I have no problem with the gullible young folks who demonstrate, chant and march, but once you cross the line and break the law-you have to accept the consequences.
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