Chris Matthews
This week, I have noticed that on the MSNBC nightly comedy shows (Olbermann, Matthews, Maddow), the NBC peacock in the upper-right hand corner of the screen is green and there is reference to "green universe"-or some such nonsense. Apparently, it is only for this week, which MSNBC has designated as their "green week", possibly in connection with the upcoming UN Copenhagen conference.
Hey! If you want to be informed, turn on the ball game. If you want to be persuaded, turn on MSNBC. Below is a link to one of MSNBC's important messages about bottled water.
Stainless steel water bottles! Now there's a great idea!

How about MSNBC having Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow all paint their faces green during their shows. They kinda look green as it is. You know, green with envy at Fox's ratings compared to their own.
How are you still unable to comprehend that O'Reily, Hannity, Beck et al are 100% analogous to Olbermann, Maddow, Matthews et al? You mock the latter set of pundits for persuading people, yet probably tune into the of the former set of pundits every day/night even though they are the EXACT same thing, only the other side of the coin. NONE of those people are presenting themselves as straight up journalists, anchoring hard news shows. How do you still not get this?
Anyways, stainless steel water bottles are great. Drinking bottled water is wasteful and unnecessary. Seems like a pretty easy thing to give up which will have an actual impact for the better.
I get it! It's because Beck, Hannity et al are the GOOD GUYS! Maddow, Olbermann and crew are the BAD GUYS.
BTW. This is also an opinion-driven blog, in case you have not noticed.
Okay, that's your opinion which you are of course entitled to. But you don't attack them because you disagree with them. Instead you consistently criticize them for being opinionated and trying to persuade their audience, as if that's a "bad" thing that only THEY are guilty of.
They are vicious. Matthews is a joke because he is in love with Obama. In 2006, he yelled, "yea" when another Dem election victory was announced. That's news?
Maddow is a far leftie from Air America. Olbermann is unhinged and downright vicious. Why does he spend so much time going after O'Reilly, Fox, Sarah Palin and Carrie Prejean, for crying out loud? Olbermann is a man drive by some obsession, and he is a joke.
But if you want proof, watch Maddow and Olbermann one night and count how many people they talk with that have different views.
At least the folks at Fox will have debates with others.
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