
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Michelle Malkin Speaks at UC-Irvine

Michelle Malkin

This morning, I found out at the last moment that Michelle Malkin was speaking today at UC-Irvine. I managed to get there at the last moment at noon today with only an hour and a half to spare before my 1:30 class. The event was sponsored by the College Republicans. I just walked in though I am not a Republican-or anything else. I am not sure whether you had to be invited, but I just walked into the room like I knew where I was going and sat down in the last row. There were not many students in evidence, mostly older people-Republicans-from the community.

Michelle spoke for about 20 minutes. It was sort of a stump speech so to speak, which ranged from a variety of current issues. She spoke about the media assault on Sarah Palin and conservative women in general., She spoke about her criticisms of President Obama. She spoke about the political correctness that has led to the deaths of our soldiers at Ft Hood.

Michelle Malkin is a very good public speaker. She uses a conversational style that one would use talking to a group over coffee. She didn't need notes. Probably all she needed was a list of issues and she proceeded to give her thoughts and opinions on each issue.

As for the audience. it was almost 100% sympathetic. I could not stay for the Q&A since I had to go to class. One of my colleagues stayed for about a half an hour of the Q&A and according to him, there were no hostile questions up to the point he left.

As I walked into the hall where Malkin spoke, there were a couple of young people outside with opposition posters. But there was no disruption that I observed. That is a credit to UCI's student body, which is overwhelmingly fair-minded and civil.

I consider myself privileged to have been able to see and hear Michelle Malkin speak.


Findalis said...

She wasn't Jewish and/or pro-Israel. If she was one or both, the campus would have had to call the riot police out.

Anonymous said...

Too bad for UCI, there goes my respect for the school.

Anonymous said...

Lost my respect for UCI.