
Friday, November 6, 2009

Mainstream Media Refuses to Call Ft Hood What it Was

Nidal Malik Hasan

It is absolutely beyond belief how the mainstream media is spinning the Ft Hood tragedy. Believe it or not, Major Nidal Malik Hasan is rapidly becoming the victim before our eyes. I was incredulous last night when the mad-hatters and propagandists at MSNBC tried to blame it on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome-even though Hasan had never even seen combat. Today I learn that the rest of the liberal media is actually running with that stunning explanation.

From the Washington Post to the New York Times to Newsweek, to the psycho-babble of Dr Phil on Larry King Live, the party line is that Hasan simply snapped. Why? Oh, it might be that he was upset about going to Iraq. It might be that Hasan was affected by the stories of returning vets he was treating. Let's don't forget that he was "being harassed because of his faith."

Let's stop right there. I have been in the Army (as an enlisted man.) Who in the world was harassing Major Hasan-colonels and generals? Certainly nobody below major because that would have been insubordination-a serious offense in the military.

I ain't buyin' it.

I'm sorry, but the motive is by now pretty clear. His statements, his writings, his actions, his shouts of "Allahu Akbar!" as he began his rampage make it crystal clear. This was a terrorist act, an act of Jihad. It appears (thank God) that he acted alone. When he made his fateful decision is nor known. Maybe he did snap in some fashion, but if that is the case, his religion was a factor in his simmering anger not the stressful situation in Iraq or Afghanistan-where he had never been.

Does this incriminate other Muslims? No. But we cannot escape the truth when it is staring us right in the eyes. We cannot continue to deny the obvious for the sake of political correctness. Islamic-inspired acts of terror or violence continue regularly-and they are increasing here in the US.

I've said before, and I will say it again; this should be no reason or incitement to persecute or harm innocent people. However, we as Americans are going to have to face this situation and deal with it. We cannot simply keep our heads in the sand because we don't want to offend anyone. As an American veteran, I am offended by Ft Hood. Remember the recent plot against Ft Dix? Which post is next?

I still have a lot to say in a coming post. The thesis of this one is our news media and their complete lack of honesty on this story. Not only have they invented a spin, but one so outrageous as to be laughable if it weren't so tragic.

Who can trust this media any longer?

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