Little Billy Ayres in Omaha, Nebraska gets mail.
"Hey Mom! I've been invited to the White House!"
You gotta hand it to the operatives in the Obama White House. They are real slick. When they released the names on their White House guest list, there were some eyebrow-raising names. See if you can guess which names were on the list.
a Jeremiah Wright
b William Ayres
c Angela Davis
d Joe Stalin
e Gary Fouse
f George Soros
If you guessed d and e, you are way off base. If you guessed f, you are correct. If you guessed a, b and c, you would be sort of correct. The names of Ayres, Wright and Davis are there alright. Problem is, they are other people with the same names.
Now what is that all about? Were the slickos in the White House trying to lure the right wing into having egg on their faces-sort of walking their opponents down the proverbial primrose path?
What I would like to know is who are these people with the same names as the top three? Are they people with legitimate business in the White House, or were they just taken out of the phone book and invited to the White House to have a beer?
Now George Soros; there is a visitor to be concerned about.
The release of the guest list was heralded by the administration as a symbol of their openness and transparency. Perhaps, but I would still like to know who a, b and c really are and what they were doing at the White House.
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