
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Israel-Bash at UCLA (Again)

My friend and colleague, Eric Golub over at Tygrrrr Express blog attended another one of those anti-Israel bashes at UCLA and wrote about it on Frontpage Magazine (David Horowitz's blog). Last January, Eric attended and reported on a similar event at UCLA. On that occasion, one of the panelists, Prof. Lisa Hajjar, told him he "had his Zionist hat screwed on too tight." That, my friends, is what passes for professors these days on university campuses. At any rate, here is the link to Eric's latest report.

From Eric's description of this Jewish professor (Gershon Shafir), it sounds like this event was taking on the tones of the old Nazi trials against the conspirators in the attempt on Hitler's life. A bit of an exaggeration? Sure, but I have a sneaking suspicion Judge Roland Freisler would have been proud.

"Sit down!"


Anonymous said...

You know, it's really shameful and disgusting the way you constantly use Nazi analogies. It's a complete disservice to those who actually suffered under the Nazi regime. It trivializes what they went through when you start to compare what anyone here in this country has to go through, because it is no comparison at all. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. I know many Jews would find your constant references to the Nazis offensive. Of course, you wouldn't know that because you choose to only associate with right-wingers and live in an echo chamber.

Gary Fouse said...


As usual, you miss my point. Yes, it is an exagerration, and I conceded that. And I don't need the lectures about trivialization. I am an amateur scholar of the Third Reich and spent three years in the Nuremberg area. I have visited Auschwitz and Buchenwald. Why do you think I jumped into all this crap about 3 years ago? It is because I see the world as being Europe in the 1930s all over again. Are you blind to the resurgence of anti-semitism that is going on around the world? You should not believe these protestations that there is no anti-semitism, only anti-Zionism. It is a cover. Now these "panels" drag in some compliant Jew to provide "balance" not to mention the radical anti-Israel Jews like Finklestein who are willing dupes.

If you think the comparison is wrong, that's your opinion and I respect that, but there are a lot of people out there who would love to see a second holocaust.

For your reading, I suggest La voz de Aztlan blog. These characters have jumped into the MSU-ZOA fray and you can read their commnets (and mine) on the New U website. Their names are Hector Carreon and Ernesto Cienfuegos. Read their website read Der Stuermer (Nazi era newspaper) and tell me it can't happen again.

Ted said...

I would add

Some of the rants published on this site by radical Muslim Clerics rival anything that Hitler or his lackey Freisler had to say.

My family actually suffered under the Nazi Regime. My father and grandfather bear numbered Tattoos on their arms, while my Grandmother, Uncle and most of my family were murdered.

It all began in the same way.

Childish naivete is as dangerous as the spewers of hatred themselves.