
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doom and Gloom at MSNBC

Chris Matthews
Not a happy camper

With the exception of Fox News, last night's election results in Virginia and New Jersey cast a pall over the newsrooms of the major outlets. (The Democrat won in New York's 23rd District.) At MSNBC, the mood was similar to Wrigley Field in October.

Chris Matthews (looking unusually pale) especially was in a fighting mood last night. I caught a few minutes of his "Hardball" Show (which, since Bill Maher's "Politically Incorrect", has to be the most inappropriately named show on TV.)

But I digress. Matthews, who in the 2006 mid-term elections was caught on mike yelling, "yeaa" over another Democrat victory, was probably yelling ,"boo" off-mike last night. He was definitely looking for somebody to hit, and he found that someone in conservative pundit Mark Williams, who appeared on the show. Williams was taking the position that Republicans need to get rid of those elected officials that have betrayed the conservative cause (I am paraphrasing.) Matthews repeatedly demanded that Williams name them, which Williams, for some unknown reason, ducked.

Hey Mark,

Arlen Spector (gone)
John McCain
Lindsey Graham
Olympia Snowe
Susan Collins

...and that Scuzzifoofoo dame or whatever her name is in New York.

But I digress. Matthews referred to Williams and his ilk as the "wing nuts" of the Republican Party. Williams made some reference to Matthews' famous tingling leg, which really set Chrissie off.

"Whaddaya mean by that? Whaddaya mean by that?"

Williams let it pass.

Chrissie then told Mark that he (Matthews) "makes his living" off guys like him (Williams). Williams just continued to smile and laugh.

I have to say that Williams was remarkably mild in the face of Matthews' insults. Too mild, in my view.

I could remind Mr Matthews how he really makes his living....

but I do have female readers on this blog, so I won't.

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