
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why All the Dithering in Afghanistan?

"Is he warm yet?"

"Warm? He's having hot flashes! Ya gonna bring him in or not?"

The indecisiveness of President Obama is beginning to look truly Carteresque. It's not a question of whether the objective of defeating Al Qaeda and the Taliban are worthwhile. The President long ago declared Afghanistan to tbe the "war of necessity". Now, long after his commanding general in Afghanistan has requested 40,000 additional troops, the President continues to dither and talk with his "war council".

Some war council!

According to Rahm Emanuel, it all hinges on whether the Afghan Government can be an "effective partner"-whatever that means. Well, let's assume they cannot. Does that mean we come home and leave Afghanistan for the Taliban to return to power-and again provide sanctuary for Al-Qaeda?

Let's be realistic. Afghanistan is a backward, 8th century nation that has always been corrupt and something, less than democratic. In another 500 years they will still be so. If the President is waiting for this place to morph into a pristine Swiss canton-town hall elections and all- he has a long wait. We have a mission in Afghanistan-and Pakistan (another hell hole)and that is to kill Al Qaeda and the Taliban. If Afghans and Pakistanis can do it for us, better yet, but don't get your hopes up. The fact is that the barbarians we are fighting want to kill us in our own streets. Better that we are bombing them in their caves in that part of the world than hoping surveillance and wiretaps will lead to their arrests here.

No, Rahm. This is Switzerland. It's not Afghanistan 5 years from now.

It doesn't matter a whit whether this or that corrupt war lord wins a run-off election or forms a coalition government with other crooks. There are bad guys out there in those mountains that need to be killed. When your commander says he needs another 40,000 troops to get that done, you listen to him. The problem is that this president is looking at tracking polls and worrying about how that will affect his base-that wants him to get out altogether. Meanwhile our troops are at increased risk because they need reinforcements.

And the President dithers, pushes his health care scheme, attacks a major news outlet for not being friendly to him....and dithers.


Findalis said...

Obama cannot put more troops in. It would:

1. Anger his supporters on the left to the point of them leaving the Donkeycrat Party.

2. Anger the Norwegians. They are giving him the Nobel Peace Prize AND he sends more troops to Afghanistan? That makes the NPP a joke.

No, he will cut and run.

Gary Fouse said...

Oh yes! That sticky-wicket Nobel Prize that he must now live up to.

Anonymous said...

If only he would hurry up and rush headlong into things like our previous president! Big decisions like this shouldn't be thought over carefully, they should be made quickly, from the gut! It worked for Bush in Iraq perfectly and didn't give us any trouble at all!

Gary Fouse said...


Would you have sent reinforcements to the Alamo-or thought about it for a couple of months?

Anonymous said...

True, Afghanistan and the Alamo are of course completely analogous, so I would not have hesitated for one second!

Gary Fouse said...


I realize that Afghanistan is not in the same situation the Alamo was in, but to tell you the truth, had Jimmy Carter been president during the Alamo, he would still be trying to push resolutions in the UN condemning Mexico and demanding they withdraw.

Anonymous said...

That's strange, I didn't realize that Jimmy Carter was our current president. Now that I know that though, I can see how his hypothetical handling of the Alamo has everything to do with whether or not more troops should be sent into Afghanistan. Point taken!

Gary Fouse said...

Just musing, Bryan, just musing.