
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

ACORN Sting in San Bernadino

Now we learn that has been yet another ACORN sting by James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, our two favorite civilian undercover agents (doing what government should have done a long time ago). This time, on August 17, 2009, an ACORN office was visited in San Bernadino, California. Take a look.

Fousesquawk comment: I would be very careful before accepting many of this woman's claims and name-dropping at face value. It is highly likely that she was exaggerating or lying on several stories she told the undercover film makers. The important point is that this woman accepted the undercover story about brothels and under-age imported prostitutes and gave them advice on how to pull it off.

Of course, ACORN spokesman Scott Levenson will tell us that ACORN's "12 step process" successfully weeded out this worker in San Bernadino.

Didn't it, Mr Levenson?

In the wake of these disclosures, the Congress is cutting off ACORN funding and the census bureau is cutting all ties with ACORN. Why now? How long has it been apparent that ACORN is nothing more than a organized criminal enterprise worthy of a RICO investigation? And yet, in spite of all the scandals in numerous states, police raids, and indictments, ACORN was still slated to get $8.5 billion in TARP funds!

Isn't it becoming readily apparent to even the dimmest observer that ACORN's tentacles of corruption lead into the highest levels of government-Congress and the White House? You sir, what do you think?



1 comment:

Findalis said...

Forest Gump is smarter than the average ACORN worker.