ACORN Reform in Action
"Yeah, we'll clean it all up, won't we boys?"
"Right. Eric's got it under control, ha ha ha ha."
In the wake of the four damaging videotapes and apparently more to come, ACORN is now pledging to "regain the public's trust" (as if they ever had it) by conducting an "internal investigation by an independent body". At the same time, Acorn Director Bertha Lewis is sending contradictory messages and claiming that the undercover film makers and FOX News doctored and edited the videos.
"As a result of the indefensible action of a handful of our employees, I am, in consultation with ACORN's Executive Committee, immediately ordering a halt to any new intakes into ACORN's service programs until completion of an independent review," ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis said in a statement released Wednesday.
"I have also communicated with ACORN's independent Advisory Council, and they will assist ACORN in naming an independent auditor and investigator to conduct a thorough review of all of the organizations relevant systems and processes."
"In an earlier statement released on Saturday, Lewis said that while she could not defend the actions of the terminated workers, O'Keefe may have committed a felony during the sting operation. She also threatened legal action against FOX News, which has aired the videos." ....(Fox News)
...."It is clear that the videos are doctored, edited, and in no way the result of the fabricated story being portrayed by conservative activist 'filmmaker' O'Keefe and his partner in crime," Lewis said. "And, in fact, a crime it was — our lawyers believe a felony — and we will be taking legal action against Fox and their co-conspirators," she said. (Fox News)
Hold on, Ms Lewis; which is it? You say you condemn the actions of "a handful" of employees-who you have fired, yet the videos are doctored. If that is the case, then why did you fire the workers? Why are you promising reforms?
And why is ACORN now suspending the acceptance of any new clients? Is it because they are afraid of more independent (or government) undercover agents walking into their offices and documenting more skulduggery?
And as for your claim of a "handful" of employees, how about the 70 employees in some 13 states convicted for voter registration fraud, Ms Lewis? Pretty big handful if you ask me.
Do I detect some panic going on in ACORN?
What is clearly called for here is a full-scale Department of Justice RICO investigation (racketeering across state lines). But where is Attorney General Eric Holder? Where is the FBI? Where is the mainstream news media? Why didn't 60 Minutes send in its own ace undercover journalists to do the work that James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles did? Why is this blockbuster piece of investigative work left to two private citizens, Big Government blog and Fox News?
And speaking of Fox News, is there now any doubt as to who the most credible news outlet is? Of course, not. That's why their ratings outnumber all the others by miles.
I bet Ms Lewis and all those honchos at ACORN are really sweating now. But there is good news for them. If the AG and DOJ ever do their job (which is doubtful), think of the deals that Lewis et al can make to give up bigger fish in the political arena. No doubt that these ACORN leaders know where a lot of bodies are Washington. The question is just how far this Justice Department will dig. I suspect that under Holder, not very deep
And speaking of Fox News, is there now any doubt as to who the most credible news outlet is? Of course, not. That's why their ratings outnumber all the others by miles.
You know, I was going to actually post something about Acorn and how the whole thing needs to be dismantled/destroyed/whatever, and then you had to go and write something as ridiculous as that.
From what I understand, it wasn't Fox's "journalists" that cracked this story. Wasn't it some college kid who did it, and then he went to Fox?
As for the absolutely absurd notion that popularity = credibility, then you might as well say that Bud Light is the best beer because it sells the most.
It was two young citizen film makers who collaborated with a conservative blog (BIGGOVERNMENT). They took the story and tapes to FOX News. The other networks would have thrown them out.
As for Fox, it's not just the numbers, it is the fact that they give both sides of issues and tell us things that the other networks try to bury or soft-peddle. And that is why the have the numbers.
The other networks would have thrown them out.
What do you base this on? This is nothing more than an assertion. You think that things are true just because you say them (or write them, in this case).
As for Fox, it's not just the numbers, it is the fact that they give both sides of issues and tell us things that the other networks try to bury or soft-peddle. And that is why the have the numbers.
Have you heard about the great deal that I'm offering on the Golden Gate Bridge?
Fox News is not a place for news. It's a place for people to have their beliefs validated. Numbers are rarely an indicator of quality - in fact, it often indicates the opposite of that.
Oh, and I was watching NBC news tonight, and they did a big thing on the whole Acorn thing. It was hardly soft-peddling.
Well, NBC must have blamed it all on Fox News and the two agent provateurs. Or am I confusing it with MSNBC?
What are you even talking about? They did a straightforward story on it. The only concession they made was that supposedly this student tried the same stunt at other ACORN locations where they proceeded to kick him out. Other than that, the story sure didn't make them look very good.
I didn't see it, Lance, but don't you think the MSM is responding late to this story? The NYT editorial while criticizing those ACORN employees, excoriated the film-makers and Fox for running with the story.
I suggest you take an evening, say from 5-9 and watch Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. See how and if they treat this story. As to your comments about Fox, compare MSNBC to FOX and tell me which channel gives any opposing person or persons a voice.
MSNBC has no opposing voices. Fox, while conservative, I concede does has opposing voices and debate. Even hannity, after losing Holmes (regretfully in my view-it was a better show) will have opposing voices on his Great American Panel segment. Fox has Juan Williams, Bob beckel, Judith Miller and a few others. Who does MSNBC have?
MSNBC is the station one goes to to have their liberal views validated-100%.
The fact is this is a major scandal that reaches right into the White House. Oh yes, you want facts to back my assertions:
Fact: Obama is a former trainer and colleague of ACORN when he was a community organizer.
Fact: The Obama pres campaign funded ACORN with some 888,000 dollars.
fact: ACORN and its affiliates have rec'd some 53 million dollars of tax-payer money.
Fact: ACORN is slated to get $8.5 billion in TARP?Stimulus packages funds.
Those are facts, lance. Another fact is that outside of Fox, other news outlets are trying to ignore the story or put a defensive spin on this outrageous and brazen criminal activity.
And if you doubt that acorn is an organized criminal enterprise, check out the facts of the 70 convictions in 13 states for fraudulent voter registrations. Then watch the videos of the stings, of which more are coming.
Ask yourself how this situation could exist without Democratic help at high levels.
MSNBC has no opposing voices. Fox, while conservative, I concede does has opposing voices and debate.
We've done this dance before, and I'm sorry, but if you think that what Fox presents constitutes as "debate" then...well, I just don't know what to say. They have the PRETENSE of it, and they like to tell their viewers that they present both sides. They're nothing more than a propaganda machine for the right. They're everything that the right accuses the mainstream media of being, only conservative.
As for Olbermann, etcetera, I'm not interested in pundit shows, unless it's Stephen Colbert who's making fun of pundit shows and it's not meant to be taken seriously in the first place.
Those are facts, lance. Another fact is that outside of Fox, other news outlets are trying to ignore the story or put a defensive spin on this outrageous and brazen criminal activity.
Ummmm....NO. I haven't watched every single news show, but the NBC Nightly News with Bryan Williams simply reported on the story, and it sure didn't seem like they were putting a defensive spin on it. If they were, they did a lousy job of it because it all seemed pretty bad to me.
Do you think MSNBC even puts on the PRETENSE of having opposing voices and debate?
I missed the part where I was defending MSNBC.
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