This is what is appearing on the White House blog:
"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."
You can go to the White House's own page to see it for yourself:
"...just below the surface....casual conversation....."
It looks like the person who will take the heat for this fiasco is Linda Douglass, formerly a reporter for ABC News, who is now director of the White House Health Reform Office (I'll bet you didn't know the White House had a health reform office, did you?) In other words, she went from one propaganda ministry to another.
So there it is, folks. You'd better draw down your curtains at night and watch who you are sending e-mails to. And lower the radio as you listen to Radio Free America or Rush Limbaugh so that your next-door neighbor doesn't hear. That's because somewhere deep in the bowels of the White House, people like Linda Douglass and maybe even Craig Livingstone are putting all this info into their computer
data base. (They're keeping a list and checking it twice.)
And all you Nazi storm troopers that have been marching to the town hall meetings carrying those swastika flags, Nancy Pelosi is onto to you too. She knows you are out there.
There go some of them now, Nancy-off to another town hall meeting.
But what does this all mean for little ol' me?
"Dear White House,
I think you ought to know about a fishy guy named Fousesquawk, who is located in Orange County, California. He has been saying bad things about our Dear Leader and his great health care program. I think this guy is a subversive and should be watched very carefully. Here is a picture I am enclosing.
In addition, he operates a clandestine publication called Fousesquawk, which spreads false propaganda about the health care plan. I'm not sure, but I think he runs it from a room in his house. I have seen a lower-floor room with the lights on late into the night.
I am passing this information to you as a loyal Democrat. The only favor I ask is if you can help me get into A.C.O.R.N. I like their uniforms."
A concerned citizen
Watch those casual conversations.
Snitch on yourself Gary. They should give each person a $500 reward too.
I think the funniest thing I have heard so far is a wave of people signing up for a variety of ... "adult" products and websites using the flag@whitehouse.gov address
That, and the RNC => DNC phone transfer - did you hear that? A DNC TV ad posted a phone number at the end of the ad so viewers could call the RNC to complain about Republican mob tactics. The RNC simply added a step in the automated answering system so that when callers called the number, they were told to "press 1"(hopefully in English and Spanish) and the call was actually redirected to the DNC switchboard.....
This is supposed to be a government by the people and for the people. Interestingly enough when the people speak-out against this current regime it is viewed as hostile, yet when the people were upset with Bush II it was viewed as standing up for what you believe in.
Strange how the tone changes when the media and the Left get one of their own in office.
How dare us attack anything he says. How dare us read anything he might be proposing to pass. We should just sign it and give away our freedom.
"You command we obey Mr. Obama!"
Truly sad isn't it!
Now watch it escalating into physical confrontaions as the Dems bring in their union goons. See my next post.
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