What is to become of them?
When I listen to the issues surrounding the health care debate, I look back at the last eight years of my mother's life and how the system dealt with her. I think her experience with the health care system is relevant to today's arguments.
My mother died this past May from complications due to pneumonia. She was 88. Her death ended eight years of chronic illness and suffering. Prior to December 2001, my mother was leading a healthy and independent life in North Carolina. That all ended when she suffered a sudden stroke.
As soon as the stroke happened, I flew to Greensboro, North Carolina, where she was hospitalized. The stroke had hit the left side of her brain leaving her right side greatly impaired. For five weeks, she remained in the hospital as doctors dealt with a host of side issues. Along the way, she received physical and speech therapy, and I was given training how to assist a person who was wheel-chair bound-as she now was.
As far as her insurance was concerned, she had Medicare, as well as a secondary insurance company that she got as part of her employment when she was working. There were some co-pays, but nothing that was too expensive. (I took over all of her financial and legal affairs).
After her release from the hospital, it was agreed that since she could no longer live alone, my wife and I would take her back home with us to California. For the next three years, Mom lived at home with us in various states of wellness or sickness. Generally, it was one medical issue after another. By now, she was able to get around in a walker, but her life had changed so drastically.
After three years, my wife and I decided that we could no longer give Mom the amount of care she required. We decided on a board and care home in the area. These are single-family homes, privately run, with room for about 6 residents. The care-givers are usually not licensed nurses, but the patients don't require constant nursing care. They are a cheaper alternative to a nursing home and usually more pleasant as well. They are generally not covered by insurance, so they are out-of-pocket. My wife and I helped share the expense of the board and care.
There were several occasions when my mother had to go into the hospital, after which she was entitled to go to a skilled nursing facility for 2-4 weeks for rehabilitation. Between Medicare and her secondary insurance, everything was covered. Over the years, there were also MRIs, cat scans and doctor visits on a constant basis. When she was about 85, she had a pacemaker inserted. She also had laser eye surgery. Her numerous prescription drugs involved some out of pocket expense, but most of the cost was covered.
In the next few years, Mom's savings dwindled (she was living on Social Security and her investments). It was the board and care cost that was the biggest expense. At a certain point, she qualified for MediCal, the California branch of Medicaid. Once I got her enlisted in MediCal, virtually everything was covered-even dental.
I think that during those eight years, I gained quite an insight into the life of the sick and elderly. It is not a pretty picture. We saw many of my Mom's housemates pass away and shared their families' grief. It is all too clear to me that the bulk of medical costs are spent in the last years of life.
What I am coming to is this: In my mother's case, the system worked pretty well (with the exception of the California dental plan system). With Medicare, for all its failings, they served my mother well as did her secondary health insurance. My mother never went broke from out-of pocket medical expenses or prescription drugs. I know what I am talking about because I handled everything for her.
I can't help wondering how this new government plan would have served my mother. Would she have received MRIs, cat scans and a pacemaker? Or would she have been told to "take a pill instead of having the operation", as President Obama himself suggested? As it was, my mother never had an operation because she didn't want one, nor would she probably have survived one. But it was never a case of somebody else deciding it was not cost effective.
So was it cost effective to give Mom a pacemaker? Probably not. Nor was it probably cost effective to give her an MRI or a cat scan. But when we, as a society or as a government, start making those determinations, we lose our soul as a people. At that point, we are on the road to euthanasia, which is what they are doing today in The Netherlands. It is also what the Nazis did in the late 1930s with their mentally ill and handicapped people, whom they dubbed, "useless eaters" and "life unworthy of life". This they did before they ever sent the first Jew into a gas chamber. This pre-dated the Holocaust.
The present health care system may, indeed, need reform as well as health care insurance. I, however, am not willing to throw away the system that my mother lived under for this great unknown that is buried in over 1,000 pages of the Obama health plan.
When you look at the scenes of angry people at these town hall meetings, you notice that they are not young troublemakers. They are middle-aged and elderly. They know what is at stake for them personally. That is why they are so emotional. Our government should be listening to them instead of calling them, "thugs".
I'm not exactly sure how you can praise Medicare/Medi-Cal on the one hand and then go on to decry this other national healthcare plan. Are you going for irony here?
Please see here for why the euthanasia claims are bogus.
Not at all, Bryan. Just stating that Medicare worked pretty well for my mother. For others, perhaps not. I know what Medicare is. Do you know what this new govt plan is?
I don't know about euthanasia counseling in the bill. If there is something in there that would provide for it, that's bad. But let's assume there isn't.
If no one is going to cover that cancer operation because you are 85years old-what's the difference?
I left out the part about my Mom's last day when she made the decision to let go, stop the anti-biotics and let hospice take over. Hours later, she was gone. She made that decision. It is the decision that the patient themself makes. They make it when they execute a living will. They make it when they themself decline that big operation. I don't care if the patient is 110 years old. Govt cannot make that decision.
We'll just continue the debate here, rather than in the two separate posts...
This new plan is an attempt to fix our fatally flawed system. It is a national shame, Gary, yes a SHAME that a nation as great and wealthy as ours consistently ranks so poorly in our level healthcare when compared to other countries around the world.
Yes, your mother and others paid into Medicare... through taxes. Just as anyone else would be paying for a new public option... through taxes.
If I'm going to be giving the federal government money, I'd much rather it be spent on medical care for the poor, the orphaned, the widowed, and the elderly instead of pre-emptive, unnecessary wars.
Read the link please, Gary.
The thing was choice. Your mother was allowed to make the decisions not a government beaurocrat.
Bryan: Download HR 3200 and check out for yourself page 30, page 42, page 59, page 195 for starts.
I'm not against heath care reform, just this monstrosity that passes for it. A bill that has flaws, fatal flaws for patients.
Do you want to debate war or health care? Let's debate health care.
First of all, as I have told you before, we have the best system of health care in the world. Canadians and Brits come here to pay out of pocket rather than wait months to get an operation or see a specialist. Check the cancer survival rates of Canada and UK compared to ours. You are buying into a bunch of propaganda about our health care system. With my mom, I dealt intimately with it for 8 years as well as the insurance end.
OK, I read the attachment. Let's assume that the charge of the govt trying to encourage people to end their lives is bogus. My question is this:
Why does the govt have to be involved in any way with these kinds of decisions? I say again, my mom and I dealt with this issue for 8 years. She had a living will, and I made sure her caregivers had a copy wherever she went. She knew what she wanted to receive in the way of treatment and where she would draw the line. I was there as power of atty if she became mentally incacitated. On the last day, she decided to let go. The doctor, hospice and I carried out her will.
We didn't need the govt involved. We didn't need the govt to explain her options to her. She knew them years before she ever became ill.
The fact is that the wording that is in there is there because under ObamaCare-care will be rationed. It will have to be.
Gary, first of all, you know that my condolences and prayers are with you and your wife.
I have watched you day in and day out over the past how many years...I can't remember how many now, taking care of your mom, making the calls, talking to doctors, making appointments, all the while with astounding admiration for you - for your dedication, your patience, and the pure honor that you showed in taking care of your mom. Your care is an inspiration to all of us whose parents are aging.
I watched our "Yia Yia" die in Greece from socialized medicine. She was 67 years young. She had bleeding ulcer. Can you imagine something as mundane as that killing you here? But there, it took 6 months to get her into a gastro/enterologist. SIX months. So we bribed the appointments department to give us the list of those in front of us, then we found people on the list who were willing to "sell" their spots - many people sell or trade their appointments because the patient is already dead (but the family keeps the appt as a bargaining chip to make $$$)..we managed to "trade up" to ONLY a two month wait. She was dead by then. This is where we are going.
When we told doctors here what had happened, and showed them her files and condition, they simply were astounded. More than 20 million people get bleeding ulcers every year in the US, and about 6,000 die, usually due to complications. In Greece, if you are over 50, it is a death sentence, as is prostate cancer - normally found too late, as is breast cancer, almost always fatal becuase there is no early detection and chemo/rad treatments are rationed.
Premature infants are basically not a problem in socialized care. Professor Singer of Princeton would love that. Most hospitals in Europe have limited NICU abilities - they don't need them, as they don't even try to save preemies. Not worth the return on investment. Only a few central hospitals Europe have NICU's.
Too young or too old in socialized medicine, you are worthless and therefore left to die. And by the way, don't even get to the subject of pain management.....
We have the most wonderful healtcare system in the world. ANYONE can get health care. ANYONE. Legal, illegal, old, young, terminal or not...anyone. Medicare/Medi-Cal, for all its problems, allows access to fine hospitals amd doctors. I am sick of hearing people say that healthcare here is awful. You don't KNOW awful.
Liberals think that they will get to keep what we have now but not pay for it, as the goal of the liberal's life is to get and not pay for - but to have someone else pay and work for. That ain't how it works.
Health care is not to be confused with health insurance. Not everyone has health insurance, many by choice or simply because it is low on the list of priorities. That is their choice.
Noone values medical care until they need it and can't get it. No one values pain management until they are in irretractable pain.
Oh, how I would love to put the Charlatan in Chief in a waiting room in London with a kidney stone.... he'd change his naive tune so fast....
Sorry for the length of this letter. I feel so strongly about this.
By the way - ask the Native Americans how that cradle to grave gov't healthcare is going...
Thank you for the kind words, Linnea. Thanks also for providing your personal insight into health care in Europe. Too many Americans are enamored of it without knowing the details.
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