Barbara Boxer now has come out publicly and calling the town hall events an orchestrated campaign of disruption by the Republicans. Here she is below on "Hardball" sharing her "pearls of wisdom" with the ever-subservient Chris Matthews murmuring, "yeh" in the background:
Today, the DNC came out with a pathetic ad referring to the town hall attendees as "angry republican mobs".
In addition, Congressman Lloyd Doggett, who I wrote about yesterday, is making the rounds of liberal talk shows to denounce the people who came to his town hall meeting and hammered him. After singing the blues on Rick Sanchez's "news" program on CNN, he appeared on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow, who referred to the attendees at the meetings as "thugs". With Maddow, Doggett opened up with a slam at the "just say no" Republicans who showed up at his town hall meeting in South Austin, Texas and gave him the what for.
How about those, "just say no" independents, like me, Congressman Doggett?
These are the people we have elected to lead us. People who think that a town hall meeting is for them to go and tell us what they want us to hear-without being challenged. Let me be clear. I don't believe in disruption. I say let the speaker say his/her piece and then give it to him/her in the Q&A. The point is, however, that a town hall meeting is not a formal speech or lecture. It is give and take, and the Dems are discovering that this health care plan is not wanted by the folks.
Yet, these Democratic whiners are receiving not unexpected help from their allies in the media-especially the folks at CNN and MSNBC- who are echoing the charge. So that is how the battle lines are being formed. It is the Dems and the news media (except Fox, of course) vs the folks. When everyday people, mostly middle-aged and elderly-for once in a blue moon-turn out to voice their anger, they are referred to as "organized thugs". I remember the incident in Florida that Boxer was referring to in 2000, in which a group of Republicans was protesting the local election board's attempt to count the votes in a back room. The Democrats and media were literally calling for the National Guard.
As for CNN's Rick Sanchez, this guy is nothing but a dishonest propagandist. In his segment with Doggett, he showed film clips not so cleverly edited in a pathetic attempt to show that demonstrators "chased" Doggett away from the scene of his scheduled meeting, which is false.
But here is my suggestion for the Democratic Party. They need to bring in private security to keep these folks in line. How about......
The New Black Panther Party-since they are so adept at that sort of thing.
Our "Elected Officials" seem to forgotten who is the boss. It is the citizens of this country. And the bosses are angry.
That is the point. They think we are here to serve them. Wrong!!
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