"Hey Arne, I hear Fousesquawk doesn't have his flu shot yet."
"Oh yeah Janet? We better send him an email. Take care of it will ya, Kathy?"
"I'll get it right out. What else we gotta do today?"
You won't believe the e-mail I got today from the White House, more specifically from John Brennan, Presidential Advisor on Homeland Security. Here it is"

"As the President's advisor on Homeland Security, I am passing along the following message from Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, who are leading the efforts to prepare our Nation for the coming flu season."
"Fellow Americans,
This spring we were confronted with an outbreak of a troubling flu virus called 2009-H1N1. As the fall flu season approaches, it is critical that we reinvigorate our preparedness efforts across the country in order to mitigate the effects of this virus on our communities.
Today, we are holding an H1N1 Influenza Preparedness Summit in conjunction with the White House to discuss our Nation's preparedness. We are working together to monitor the spread of 2009-H1N1 and to prepare to initiate a voluntary fall vaccination program against the 2009-H1N1 flu virus, assuming we have a safe vaccine and do not see changes in the virus that would render the vaccine ineffective.
But the most critical steps to mitigating the effects of 2009-H1N1 won't take place in Washington — they will take place in your homes, schools and community businesses.
Taking precautions for this fall's flu season is a responsibility we all share. Visit Flu.gov to make sure you are ready and learn how you can help promote public awareness.
We are making every effort to have a safe and effective vaccine available for distribution as soon as possible, but our current estimate is that it won't be ready before mid-October. This makes individual prevention even more critical. Wash your hands regularly. Take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and if you do get sick, stay home from work or school.
We are doing everything possible to prepare for the fall flu season and encourage all Americans to do the same — this is a shared responsibility and now is the time to prepare. Please visit Flu.gov to learn what steps you can take to prepare and do your part to mitigate the effects of H1N1."
Take Care,
Kathleen, Janet and Arne

Here is my reply:
Now seriously. First of all, what is the White House doing with my e-mail address, anyway? Was it left over from the Clinton White House files that Craig Livingstone was in charge of? And don't these folks have anything better to do than be sending me an e-mail? When people like me start getting e-mails from cabinet secretaries and White House honchos signing off with
"Take Care, Kathleen, Janet and Arne", something's out of whack here.
Oh yeah. Get your flu shots.
Maybe they are just testing the formula in the vaccines on rightwing bloggers....hmmmm.....
I'll get my flu shot when my doctor gives it to me and not before.
Follow the money...nothing better than a little drummed up crisis and a bunch of scared parents to feed the pharma's who feed the Hill...
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