"Good Golly, Miss Molly."
ABC News has done a frame by frame photo montage to explain that President Obama was not checking out the derriere of a 16-year-old gal at the G-8 Summit. Hey, who you gonna believe, ABC or your lyin' eyes? Maybe ABC should have interviewed French President Sarkozy. If you look at him in the photo, it's clear he knew what was going on. Of course, since that info-mercial ABC did for Obama last week, we all know who that network works for, don't we? They might as well make stand-up comedian Robert Gibbs the anchor then Charlie Gibson can become White House Press Spokesman. Make it official.

Does anybody know where the body of Michael Jackson is? Why has he not been buried yet? Sounds like the Jackson Family Commission can't come to a consensus. Or maybe they're planning a Lenin-style interment. Rumor has it that they are waiting for the Medical Examiner's Office to return the brain, which is still being held for tests to determine which drugs Jackson wasn't taking.
Speaking of Jackson's whacked-out family, Joe (the Jerk) Jackson, Michael's "father" has now told ABC in "an exclusive interview" that he suspects foul play. (There's ABC again.) No follow-up question to that statement. No question about reports he beat his kids. Foul play, indeed. Like all the reports that Joe beat the daylights out of Michael for so many years that he became unbalanced. All one has to do is view the interview of Joe by CNN's Don Lemon to understand why Michael had issues all his life. And this guy is going to be the male presence in the household raising Michael's three kids? He has reportedly been heard talking about how great the kids can dance. What's next? The New Jackson Three? It's too horrible to contemplate.
Which leads to a great idea for the Jacksons and their entourage to consider; since Michael is not yet in the ground, why not have a public funeral so all of Jackson's fans can come to LA to show their love for the "King of Pop"? We can have a dozen or so famous singers sing "Amazing Grace" at the grave site. Famous people like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson can fly back to LA to comfort the family and say a few words. That should only cost the city another 4 million bucks.
Just think: the city paid a food vendor in Wrightwood (that's in the mountains about 60 miles from LA) about $48,000 for box lunches for the police during the Staples Center extravaganza. It has now been determined that they could have done it through any local vendor for about 12 grand. But hey, who wants to save money in California?
Have you heard about the "resolution" that Rep Sheila Jackson Lee, fresh back from her appearance at the Jackson memorial gala- to praise Jackson? A multi-page document that reads, "Whereas Michael Jackson did this and that...", it has been shot down by none other than Nancy Pelosi (finally in a lucid moment). That resolution could be even longer if it listed all the drugs Jackson was apparently taking all these years. It looks like this guy was a walking CVS. Anyway, this is Congress in action.
I hope Hazel Dukes of the New York NAACP won't call me a racist for saying the above about Jackson. She is the lady who along with Rep (and former Black Panther) Bobby Rush, called Rep. Peter King a racist for saying Jacko was a pedophile and pervert. Who is Hazel Dukes? You don't want to know, but I will tell you anyway. In 1997, she admitted stealing $13,000 from a cancer-stricken lady who had entrusted Dukes to cash her paychecks for her. She was also a honcho for the New York Off-Track Betting Commission who complained that "foreigners who couldn't speak English" were getting jobs over African-American men. That is Hazel Dukes-a career race huckster. And she is calling Peter King a racist.
Final comment on Michael Jackson. If he was such a great guy, why did he leave such a mess behind? It's going to take years to clean up his mess.

"Rest in peace, Michael. We'll clean it all up."
Congress is now having hearings to discuss the violence along the US Mexican border, which is already spilling over to our side. "What to do?" asks Congress? "Well, we must help President Calderon, we must do this, we must do that." Yet, no one says, "Hey, I got an idea-why don't we close the border?"
Along those same lines, California is singing the blues because they are bankrupt. Part of the problem is illegal aliens, for whom the state spends about 100 million a year for schools, hospitals, prisons and other services. But close the border? Nobody ever thought of that.
Why does President Obama cancel a custom of having a couple of Air Force jets do a fly-over at a Christian-oriented event in Idaho-because he doesn't want to endorse a religion-but sends his aide, Valerie Jarret, to be keynote speaker at the annual Islamic Society of North America convention? Isn't there an inconsistency there?
Why did it take hours for President Obama to condemn the (constitutional) removal of the president of Honduras, but several days to condemn the events in Iran?
And why is Obama authorizing some 1,300 Palestinians in Iraq to come to the US? They were taken care of by Saddam Hussein until our invasion, so now they are at odds with the new government and Iraqis in general. Solution? Bring em' to the US. That'll work. Maybe we can make 'em all professors at Columbia University.
If the first Stimulus Package has failed to get the economy moving-because, in Joe Biden's words, they under estimated the depth of the problem, why should a second stimulus package solve the problem? That's like putting Barney Frank in charge of fixing the banking crisis when he was a prime architect of said crisis. As they say, one great performance deserves another.

"I don't think that's funny."
Why is the left (people like Keith Olbermann and David Letterman and various Dems) so fixated on tearing down Sarah Palin? It is obvious that they fear her as a political force. Then there's that joke of a CNN commentator, Rick Sanchez, desperate for a Palin scandal, asking if she was pregnant again. Hey Rick, getting pregnant when you are married is not exactly a scandal. It may be unusual these days, but there's nothing wrong with it. The day Sarah Palin gets behind the wheel of a car drunk, kills somebody and leaves the scene, then you will have something to talk about, Mr Sanchez (insider issue).

"I don't think that's funny."
Does that cover it all for the past month or so? Guaranteed chapter 17 will have much more on the saga of Michael Jackson. You know like the old joke about herpes....

"Now that's funny."
PS: That's the closest picture I could find of Barney smiling.
1 comment:
I wonder when the welfare recipients in California will start getting their vouchers? It only would be fair considering all the teachers, government workers, etc... who have already gotten theirs. I know of a few vets who got vouchers instead of their monthly checks.
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