"We need a bigger ship."
Every time you think the latest bit of legislation or big government program is a good idea, you need to remind yourselves of people like....
Mark Sanford, John Ensign, Barney Frank, William Jefferson, Barbara Boxer, Larry Craig, Monica Conyers, Eliot Spitzer.......
I could go on forever, couldn't I?
Yet, it is astounding how so many people in this country want to see an ever-expanding government, which gives characters like these more and more control over our lives.
If you think government should run health care, read the above list of names and add your own.
Maxine Waters, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Jon Corzine, David Vitters, Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Paterson....
If you think government should take over the banks, read the above lists and add more of your own.
Janet Napolitano, Ray Nagin, John Conyers, Antonio Villaraigosa, Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, John Edwards...........
I really could go on forever, couldn't I?
If you think government should run the auto industry, add some more names.....
Mark Foley, David Vitter, Marion Barry, Arlen Specter, Patrick Kennedy, Roland Burris, Rod Blagoyevich......
Can't stop now. I'm on a roll.
Is this really what you want, all you liberals out there? More contriol over our lives by these people? More of your money going into the hands of these people to use as they see fit?
Kwame Kilpatrick, Fabian Nunez, Charles Rangel, Richard Daley, Jennifer Granholm, Charles Barron, John Kerry, Al Gore, Barbara Lee, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton......
If you think government knows better than you how to spend your hard-earned money, consider.....
Cynthia McKinney, Ted Kennedy, Bill Richardson, Diane Watson, Dennis Kucinich, Robert Byrd......
Note that I have included both Democrats and Republicans, senators, congressmen and women, governors and mayors. If you are really honest about it, this is the perfect argument for a smaller, more limited government, one with term limits.
But it's your choice. Our choice.
Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, Keith Ellison, Henry Waxman...........
1 comment:
All of them are the poster children for term limits. It is too bad that we need a constitutional amendment to do it.
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