Is this coming to America?
Either technology has reached frightening new heights or I am becoming a very important figure. Recently, I have received emails from Michelle Obama for Father's Day and David Axelrod linking me to President Obama's speech in Cairo. Now, today, I get an email from President Obama himself, apparently taking a break from the rigours of trying to figure out what to say or not say about Iran from one day to the next.
This email is about this new service corps he calls United We Serve (catchy name, I say), which he is starting up, in which he wants everyone-inluding me- to engage in volunteer service for my community. Here it is.
"Dear Friend,
Last week, I announced United We Serve – a nationwide call to service challenging you and all Americans to volunteer this summer and be part of building a new foundation for America.
And when I say “all,” I mean everyone – young and old, from every background, all across the country. We need individuals, community organizations, corporations, foundations, and our government to be part of this effort.
Today, for the official kick off of United We Serve, members of my administration have fanned out across America to participate in service events and encourage all Americans to join them.
The First Lady is rolling up her sleeves and getting to work too. But before she headed out today, she asked me to share this message with you.
"Oh, one more thing, Barack. Be sure you send this video to Gary in California."
Our nation faces some of the greatest challenges it has in generations and we know it’s going to take a lot of hard work to get us back on track.
While Michelle and I are calling on every American to participate in United We Serve, the call to service doesn’t end this fall. We need to stay involved in our towns and communities for a long time to come. After all, America’s new foundation will be built one neighborhood at a time – and that starts with you.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama"
Please do not reply to this email. Contact the White House
The White House · 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW · Washington, DC 20500 · 202-456-1111
In spite of the instructions not to reply to the email, I did anyway. I said,
"Are you kidding me? What's next, ACORN knocking at my door?"
I could have added that the neighborhood where I live is doing just fine, and we don't need any volunteers. I could have also added that I've done my bit. Served in the Armed Forces, US Customs, DEA and yes, some volunteer work on the side from time to time. And I'll do more before I'm through, just as I'll continue to contribute to charitable causes I want to support-without the government directing me to do it. The American people have proved time and time again that they are willing to chip in and help others when needs arise.
Finally, I think it is somewhat troublesome that technology has reached the point where the White House wastes time sending emails to anybody with an email account.
Get back to work, Mr President, and next time tell your toadies in the basement of the White House to send emails to people like Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann instead of me.
PS to the readers:
Volunteer for something you feel strongly about. You'll be glad you did.
The Nazis forced people to volunteer for the good of the Fatherland. It looks like Obama is following in Der Fuhrer's footsteps.
Got your shovel?
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