Kevin Johnson and Barack Obama

Kevin Johnson and Eric Holder
If you remember the furor of the Bush replacement of a number of US Attorneys (a political position), perhaps this will get you fired up. The Obama White House is giving the boot to the Inspector General of the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), Gerald Walpin, in whom Obama has supposedly "lost confidence".
I'll say. And according to sources, Michelle Obama may also be playing a role in the firing a'la Travelgate. Walpin was involved in the overview of Americorps, that boondoggle outfit that falls under CNCS, and which hands out goodies to community volunteer organizations. In this case, Walpin was checking into money in the amount of $850,000 given to St Hope Academy, an educational foundation which is connected to now-Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, a former NBA player and Obama supporter. As a result of the investigation, the IG referred Johnson and another St Hope honcho, Dana Gonzalez, for criminal/civil prosecution for misuse and diversion of government funds. Subsequently, in exchange for the lifting of suspensions and disbarments of Johnson and Gonzalez, the academy agreed to repay about one half of the amount given, but apparently, Obama's friends in Sacramento (including the US Attorney, who complained about Walpin's investigation-I told you the US Attorney is a political plum) have prevailed on the White House to fire Walpin.
At a May 20 board meeting, Walpin reportedly criticized the agency's settlement deals with St Hope/Johnson/Gonzalez and City University of New York Research Foundation, the latter of which received massive funding that Walpin characterized as useless.
A few weeks later, on June 10, Walpin allegedly received a call from Norm Eisen, Special Counsel to the President in the White House, telling him to resign within 24 hours or be fired. Walpin refused because he has certain rights. Any firing of an IG must be given a 30 day notice period and Congress must be given the reasons for the firing-since IGs are supposed to be independent watchdogs.
When the firing was announced, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) wrote to the White House expressing concern and asking for an explanation as to why the normal firing process was being circumvented. Now Special Counsel to the President, Norm Eisen has responded that Walpin was "confused", "disoriented" and "disruptive" at the May 20 board meeting leading to his dismissal. Walpin calls this a lie and charges that his firing is political.
In addition, according to those famous old anonymous sources, it has been leaked that the First Lady is playing a role in the management of CNCS. It has already been announced that Michelle's chief of staff, Jackie Norris, has been sent to CNCS as a senior advisor.
So here is my first question: If Walpin's findings were out of line as it pertains to St Hope Academy and Mr Johnson, why did the academy agree to repay half of the money involved?
Second question: If the reason for Walpin's firing was his behavior at the May 20 meeting, why did the White House wait until June 10 to can him?
Third question: If people are still pushing for an investigation into why President Bush replaced a bunch of US Attorneys-which is known to be a political appointment-what are we to think of the attempted summary dismissal of an IG-not supposed to be a political plum, rather one that is independent? Is the firing purely for the reasons given by Mr Eisen? Or is it because Mr Walpin was investigating the President/First Lady's friends?
Oh, yee suckers.
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