It is true that those in the political arena have to accept the attacks from their opponents. Yet, one has to wonder about the vicious nature of the continuing attacks on Sarah Palin from the left. She has, admittedly kept herself in the public spotlight, so I suppose in that respect, she is fair game. Yet, the reasons why they refuse to let up on the former vice-presidential nominee are fairly obvious. For one thing, she is viewed as a contender for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. The other reasons are that she is a pro-life and pro-gun female. Add those factors together, and she is one that must be destroyed-not only by the Democrats-but by the news media as well. It is fascinating to watch the news pundits like Katie Couric, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann obsess with Palin. But what David Letterman pulled the other night on his show was downright disgusting.
This week, Palin came to New York for a charity appearance. During her stay, she attended a Yankee game with her 14-year-old daughter. Letterman, in his so-called comedy routine, likened Palin's wardrobe to that of a "slutty airline stewardess". He also cracked a joke about Palin's attendance at the ball game by making reference to Alex Rodriguez ("A-Rod") knocking up her daughter during the 7th inning stretch.
Even Keith Olbermann called his comments over the top (while expressing his love and admiration for Letterman).
Letterman, for his part, issued a statement that might be construed as a half-apology, explaining that he was not referring to the 14-year-old daughter, rather to Bristol Palin, who was 17 at the time of her well-publicized pregnancy. He then issued a light-hearted invitation to Palin to appear on his show as a guest (which she hopefully will decline).
Of course, the age-old question begs, what if a conservative comedian (what few there are) made a similar joke about a liberal female politician? The other question that comes to mind....
Where are all the feminists?
Of course, you won't hear much from them unless public exposure forces them to issue a formal statement of .....uh...,disapproval. That's because with groups like N.O.W., it's really all about liberal Democratic politics.
As for David Letterman (who I don't think is funny at all), he should issue a sincere public apology to the Palin family. Making sexist jokes about teen-age daughters of rival politicians is out of bounds. The young daughters of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama have been left alone by all but a handful of opposition commentators -as they should have. David Letterman is not only a very unfunny comedian...
he is a jerk.
Not to detract from this VERY important issue, but I can only imagine what you might have already posted had a certain event today involved a Muslim or an Arab or a left-winger, rather than a right-wing extremist...
I plan to write on just that topic in a few days. Stand by.
Here's an article for you.
Here's another link for you, straight from NOW's website.
I agree with what NOW wrote, but note how they weaved in a shot at conservative commentators. Limbaugh's comments about Chelsea aside, she has handled pretty gently (as she should have been) by the press.
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