
Thursday, May 14, 2009

As Election Draws Near, Arnold Gets More Bizarre

With the California ballot tax initiatives known as Propositions 1A-F apparently on their way to defeat, Governor Katzenjammer is getting more and more desperate since voters will reject his efforts to extend the tax increases recently voted on in Sacramento for another two years. He is also getting more and more bizarre.

First, Katzenjammer threatened us with dire consequences if the measures were rejected. He told us he would have to lay off firefighters, in which case, Kalifornia would burn. He then said that he would be forced to release thousands of criminals onto the streets of our cities. That'll teach us.

Soon to be your next-door neighbor

That didn't change the polling numbers. At this point, Katzenjammer appears headed for his second major defeat at the polls. Clearly, bold ideas are needed.

And here they are:

Believe it or not, it looks like Arnold's Kalifornia will now sell off some major landmarks, such as the LA Coliseum and San Quentin Prison (which, presumably, will be emptied of its inhabitants).

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. LA doesn't have an NFL team to play in the Coliseum. (Not that they need one. They have high-speed car chases). They probably won't get much for the Coliseum, but I figure the death chamber at San Quention might bring in a few bucks.

Soon to be on eBay

I hope the nation pays attention to what happens in Kalifornia after these scam propositions flame out. The state is about to go bankrupt because of years of profligate spending. Frankly, I don't care.

1 comment:

Findalis said...

If you put a recall on the ballot would he then get a majority vote? Worth a shot!