Who put the line in the Stimulus Package that protected bonus payments agreed to before February 11, 2009?
"C'mon Dodd, Talk. We know you did it."
"No, I swear-I didn't do it!"
"Yes, you did."
"No I didn't"- Ok, Ok, I did it, but they made me do it."
"Who's they?"
"......... I can't.....they'll......."
"Pick up Geithner and bring'em downtown."
Hey Gary, I don't know where else to post this, but I was wondering what you think of this
If true, it is disturbing and certainly against the rules of warfare. It will be interesting to see if this story develops.
The only thing I would point out is that the bbc is extremely biased in its reporting against Israel-if you were not aware.
Keep up the great work!
Shoot...just realized what the image is from. Murder, My Sweet, correct? Great film.
"This" is true, and Gary, you are extremely biased when it comes to Israel and anyone who critizes her actions. My ex-husband used to say that Israel learned a lot from the Nazi's, and he was right.
The Israeli newspaper Haaretz has been covering this story. If the allegations are true, they are inexcusable and I am certain that appropriate action will be taken. By the way, you will not find this sort of self criticism in other Middle Eastern newspapers. Thankfully, Israel is a democracy and freedom of the press is allowed. Imagine the local Gaza papers criticizing Hamas for recently murdering Fatah members?
Ted, first you agree then you disagree. What planet do you live on? Jews are being slaughtered quietly and openly, and so are Palestinians, and Africans and, and, and. You are living in la la land if you think the killing is going to stop. And speaking of vicious, really.
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