Governor Schwarzenegger's "head on a stick"
(Photos from John and Ken Show blog)
Isn't it interesting how the news media loves to cover demonstrations by the usual suspects on the far-left? You remember of course, the "million-man" marches, the illegal alien rallies in major cities? Front page news, right? Of course, ordinary citizens rarely if ever have protests and demonstrations. They don't have the time on their hands. You know, they have jobs, families to care for, they don't despise their country, so what is there to demonstrate against?
Well now, with the out of control government spending going on in Washington-and Sacramento for those of us who live in California-there is reason to demonstrate. We are in the process of being taxed to death. In California, what few Republicans we have in Sacramento have sold us out to the tax and spend Democrats. Now the most-heavily-taxed people in the US are facing huge increases in our taxes. Why? To cover for the huge deficit that Sacramento has rung up while taking care of its main constituent groups-illegal aliens and state worker unions.
Saturday, LA talk jocks, John Kobylt and Ken Champiou of KFI radio 640 (John and Ken Show) organized a tax revolt rally in Fullerton. People were encouraged to bring tea bags, as well as Arnold Schwarzenegger videos and DVDs which would be smashed to show people's disdain for this sell-out governor who let his wife, Maria Shriver of the Kennedy clan, drag him over to the tax and spend bunch of Sacramento Democrats.
And what a demonstration it was. An estimated 15,000 people showed up to voice their anger at the political system that is robbing them blind. With Kobylt and his bullhorn egging them on, people smashed Schwarzenegger memorabilia and cut off cardboard images of his head.
So one would think that this would gain huge media coverage, right?
True, the Orange County register put it on their front page. Not so the left-wing LA Times. They totally ignored it. When flooded with complaints from the public through their blog, an editor responded (via blog) that they did not consider it "relevent". They don't normally cover these types of protests, which they viewed as a promotional event to benefit John and Ken.
Yet the same day, the Times had a full page article devoted to a month-old event in Oregon in which school teachers demonstrated for a tax INCREASE!
One KFI listener called in afterward to John and Ken to report on the lack of coverage by the LA ABC affiliate (KABC). After being sluffed off by a newsroom person who took the call, she called back later and reported that a 1,000 man illegal immigrant demonstration was being held near her home. The person who took the call tried desperately to get the exact location so they could send a team of reporters to the scene-before being informed it was a spoof.
This is our mainstream media in action, folks. They pick and choose what they will report-and not report-based on their political agenda.
Tax revolts? Not interested.
They're destroying Schwarzenegger DVDs, which have already been paid for (and thusly, The Governator has already made his money off of it).
Reminds me of the people who poured the French wine down the sewer. Oooh...that'll show those Frenchies! We'll buy your wine and then throw it away! Ha! Gotcha!
Since when is conservatives whining about taxes newsworthy? Sounds like the same ol' same ol' to me.
Also, can you imagine the conservative outrage if some wacky liberals would dare to impale a fake George W. Bush head? Double standard alert!
They're also walking a fine line of protected free speech. Are John and Ken encouraging violence against the Governor? One could come to that conclusion from looking at that picture.
So what are you saying-that we "conservatives" should just shut up and keep paying more taxes? Do you really take the time to see where this money is going to in California?
As for John and Ken, they are neither conservative nor liberal. They are non-partisan muckrakers who are not only funny as hell, they do a great public service in
exposing the fraud and corruption of our state leaders.
Schwarzenegger's head represents their "head on a stick" movement to get Republicans who voted for the budget voted out of office in the next election.
As for Bush, we listened to 8 years of this man being vilified by the left. Heck, Keith Olbermann still devotes about half of his show to Bush. He is trying to push for Bush et al to be indicted for war crimes, and now tells us that after 9-11, America lived in a dictatorship.
What a joke.
Why is it moronic to protest raising taxes on the most heavily taxed state in the union because govt has spent itself into bankruptcy on behalf of services to illegal aliens, and state govt unions?
I really don't understand this love affair the left has with taxes. For John and Ken to raise a crowd of 15,000 is impressive. For the LA Times to ignore a protest of that size is indicative of their political bent.
What am I to make of that video? First of all, a few knucklehead racists (and I agree, they are racists) does not represent the 15,000 other people who were there to protest high taxes. I don't know who the people were that recorded this, but they clearly had an agenda to bait those clowns and get that type of reaction. The title of the video gives an indication as to their agenda.
Having said that, it isn't fair to paint the other 15,000 people with that brush.
I would also point out that the prime focus of the anger of those people is the Republican Party in Sacramento that sold the taxpayers out. We expected the Republicans to fight the taxes to the bitter end because that's what they promised us they would do-and they lied to us. That was the focus of the demonstration. It is unfortunate that some bad characters showed up.
If you want me to condemn the statements of those guys, I will happily do so, but it doesn't apply to the vast majority of ordinary citizens who showed up to rightfully vent their rage.
Reread what I wrote. You're arguing something that I'm not even saying. Careful, or I'll start to think that you're debating the voices in your head.
Ok, OK. So the folks were using symbolism to make a point. As for the French boycott, it actually had an effect. French wines sat on the shelves for a long time. That has an effect. American tourism in France fell dramatically. That has an effect.
That's another issue. My point is just that it's stupid to destroy something where the party that you're trying to protest against has already gotten their money from you when you bought it in the first place. (How's that for a convoluted sentence?)
Convoiluted indded.
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