Now that Barack Obama has been president for 50 days, it's time to give him his tentative grade-F. Is there anyone else out there that still thinks this guy is The Messiah?
That's right. The economy, which all yee suckers told us Obama would fix, is tanking worse than ever. The stock market has dropped 3,000 points since he was elected. His Secretary of the Treasury, Tim (Turbo-Tax-Cheat) Tim Geithner, who Obama told us had to be confirmed immediately, is running around like a turkey with its nuts cut off and doing nothing. Meanwhile, everybody else Obama has nominated has had to drop out for one reason or another (something about not paying taxes or being on the dole from countries like Saudi Arabia and China). The latter case is a guy named Charles (Saudi Doody) Freeman, who is blaming that "pro-Israel cabal" for having to step down from his post as Chairman of the National Intelligence Council.

"Hi! I'm Saudi Doody. I was going to be the Chairman of the National Intelligence Council until those #@%&%$#*s did me in."
Spending? You bet'cha. Now Obama's signing a 410 billion earmark-laden spending bill even though he told us he wanted no part of earmarks. What was that about going line through line to eliminate wasteful government spending? Well, when you have 8,500 lines to go through, that a lot of work, isn't it?

"That's a lotta pork!"
And don't forget the $900 million for Gaza.
Then there is Obama's great choice for Secretary of State, Miss Obnoxious Herself, Hellary Clinton, who is flying off around the world pissing off one country after another. I confess I get a bit of Scadenfreude watching all these people around the world finding out that Mrs Clinton is nothing but a colossal jerk, something we Americans could have told them two decades ago. She just told a bunch of Palestinian schoolkids about how they're going to live in peace in a two-state solution with the Israelis-the same people their teacher and Mickey Mouse said they were supposed to kill.

"Next stop Canada, where we can piss off our "Little Brothers".
If you watch Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" show, you would think somebody forgot to tell him that George W Bush is no longer president. Now Keith and his "legal expert", Johnathan Turley are on a two-man campaign to get Bush declared a dictator and indicted as a war criminal. And speaking of MSNBC, somebody should put a cheerleader's dress on Chris Matthews when he goes on the air and says anything about Obama. When Ann Coulter came to speak at UC-Irvine last year, she referred to him as "the semen-splattered Chris Matthews" (as university officials squirmed in their seats). I couldn't agree more. Now that Matthews has made his infamous, "Oh God" comment about Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, a Matthews-Olbermann political event coverage is more like watching tag-team wrastlers in action.
That's right.
Great to know that Barney Frank and Chris Dodd are taking the lead in cleaning up this mortgage mess-that they did so much to create. It's like asking a horse to clean up his own droppings. And Frank wants to see people indicted, does he? We can start with him and half of his financial committee. It was he and his co-conspirators who got us into this mess by forcing banks to loan to everybody but Charles Manson while protecting Fannie Mae "...under the outstanding leadership of Franklin Raines" (Maxine Waters quote)-and Freddie Mac.
That's right.
Meanwhile in California, our so-called Republicans made a back-room deal with the tax-happy Democrats to give us the highest state tax raise in US history-even though we already pay the highest income, sales and gas taxes in the nation. And to pay for what? Illegal alien services and state employee unions, that's what. And don't forget the "Octomom", that loopity-loop woman who lives in a shoe with her 14 kids. Her "personal choices" are now going to be funded by the tax-payers.

"You should respect my choices"
Meanwhile our Strongman Governor and his wife are spending more tax-payer dollars making TV ads to get people to "Kom to Kalifornia". They're coming all right. Illegal aliens by the millions while everybody else is leaving in droves unable to deal with the taxes and regulations.
But there is good news:

For you Cleveland Browns fans-that's the football team in Pittsburgh. They are called the Steelers, and they won the Super Bowl-again.
Now you've gone and done it! You have crossed the line this time, buddy! How dare you impugn Howdy Doody?
Quick comment: illegal immigration is actually down to 1970s levels again.
Your shots hit the target everytime.
Well spoken Gary. Very well spoken.
Was he your childhood hero?
Great! So then we can reduce our taxes to 1970s levels, right?
Bryan! Stop confusing the issue with facts!
While it may be true that illegal immigration is down, it doesn't FEEL like it's down.
No, my hero was Ward Cleaver.
But the Doody Man was a close second.
Gary, I think 50 days is not enough to pass judgement, and I don't see you or anyone as a prophet, so no-one knows what is going to happen. One cannot expect those problems that were created over many, many years to go away in 50 or 1000 days.
Just who do you think could do better???
"Just who do you think could do better???"
Gary, do you think that McCain would have had us out of this mess by now?
I think by this point, the biggest difference would be that you'd have conservatives excusing every thing he does, and you'd have liberals lambasting everything.
Ahhh...politics. I think that I'm just too honest for all this crap.
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