
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Let's Play, "Name That Jury!"

The above scene is a US Federal Court in Washington, in which Louie "the louse" Snodgrass is standing trial on income tax evasion charges before a jury of his PEERS.

And the jurors are: Ron Kirk, Hilda Solis, Tom Daschle, Tim Geithner, Nancy Killefer, Bill Richardson......

Defense attorney to Louie: "Don't worry Louie, we got a great jury."

(News item: Ron Kirk, former Dallas Mayor, who is designated US Trade Representative, must pay about $10,000 in back taxes. The White House says it is a minor matter and Kirk is "on track" to be confirmed.)

One wonders what Kirk will be "trading"-favors?

1 comment:

Findalis said...

Does anyone else find it strange that this Administration can not have a nominee without that person having to pay back taxes?