"Whadda ya mean youse don't wanna sign da union card?"
Now that the Democrats in Congress have introduced the so-called "Employee Freedom of Choice Act"-which will quickly take away employees' rights of free choice as to whether or not to join a union, here's what we can expect.
First of all, it looks like with the Democrats in control of Congress and President Obama and Vice-President Biden solidly behind this fraud, it is going to become reality.
This is the so-called "card-check system" that I have previously written about. Under this act, if unions can get a majority of employee signatures, the union would be certified without a secret election (unless 30% of employees ask for a secret ballot). The signatures would be gathered by "Vinnie and Sluggo" paying a call on employees "asking" them to check the card in favor of unionization.
Get it?
So, under this system, if an employee refuses to check the card for union representation, he just might find his tires slashed the next day at work. Obviously, this card check system will result in a dramatic increase in union power regardless of how individual workers feel about the idea. They will be forced into a position of choosing whether to stand up against an institution that is notorious for corruption and worker intimidation.
Of course, everybody in Congress with half a brain knows this. For the Democrats, however, this is part of the strategy. They know that the unions are solidly in the Democratic column. Therefore, the bigger the unions are, the more member dues they can count on being sent to Democratic coffers in the form of union contributions. Currently, union members account for a small percentage of the total American work force. The Democrats obviously want to change that. They see this as a method of rigging the system to ensure the dominance of their party into the foreseeable future.
This is a dispicable act that, like many other government bills, has the audacity to use a title that is the exact opposite of what it truly represents. What this should be called is the "Union Thug Act".
So you non-union workers get ready. The next time you see some burly guy with a baseball bat approaching your work station, it won't be Barry Bonds or Mark McGuire.
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