"Let's have a cool one"

Hi beer-drinkers! This is yer old buddy Mahmoud for my pals at Bud Lite. You know, at the end of a long hard day of carryin' out my official duties, like you know, attendin' the mass hangings and such, I like to relax and unwind with a few ice-cold Bud Lites. Since I like to maintain my skinny body, I drink Bud Lite cause it never fills me up.
And since I'm not supposed to drink alcohol, Bud Lite is the perfect choice for me cause it's brewed under the strict Iranian Reinheitsgebot (purity law) of 1979 (water only-no other ingredients added).
So take it from Mahmoud. Try an ice-cold, frosty Bud Lite-or drink it warm-what's the difference? Then you'll be fresh and rarin' to go for the next day's mass hangings.
Bud Lite- Drink several gallons tonight!
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