Hi folks, Chris Brown here for my friends at Clearisil.
You know, there's nothing I hate more than when one of my girlfriends has problems with her face. And you know what I'm talking about, don't you? But it's good to know there's a cure for those times when a little facial disfigurement comes along.

That's why I always recommend Clearisil to my girlfriends. Just take a big glob of Clearisil, rub it onto your face-all over-and let it sit there for a few weeks. Before you know it, your face will have that fresh, clear look again, and you'll be ready to get back with Chris and hit the night club circuit

...until that next outbreak, anyway. Then simply repeat the treatment.

(It even works for acne.)
Now that was funny. But not the very ha ha funny. I don't believe that this will destroy his career. For some reason, domestic violence is not looked badly upon in the African-American community. Why is that?
The more I wrote it, the less funny I realized it was. I changed the wording to put more focus on the seriousness of it.
As for your question, I'm not sure. I suppose the breakdown of the black family and absense of positive male role models is a factor. It's a problem that can only be remedied within the black community at the grass roots level. Govt can't do it, but surely, they will try.
And white people like you will always be there to point out all the faults of the black community and try to tell them how to fix those problems.
Get off your high horses, it's disgusting. How many black people do either of you actually have relationships with? I'm going to bet that you can count the number on one hand.
Great take, Gary... excellent post.
Bryan, Bryan, Bryan,
Me thinks your stereotype of white people is the same as what you accuse us of.
First of all, my original post had nothing to do with race. If Brown and Rihanna had been white, the post would have still been there. Findalis raised the issue in her question (a legitimate one BTW) In my answer, I said I didn't have the answer-only that it was an issue blacks had to solve themselves.
So the only high horse in this discussion is the one you are sitting on.
PS Bryan,
You will have to live a long time to approach my experiences-not just with black people, but all people. Not to brag, but I even speak a black creole language (Papiamentu) and wrote a book about its history.)
Multiculturalism is my middle name. I just don't capitalize it, if you get my meaning.
(Unless, of course, it begins a sentence, such as above.)
Eagle eye,
Thank you. Unfortunately, Bryan (and Chris) took it the wrong way.
Gary, I have no problem with your blog, I agree with you, but I also objected to what Findalis said. She is super sensitive when it comes to Jewish issues, in fact I wonder sometimes if she is American or Israeli, so she needs to be doubly sensitive about statements of other cultures.
It's the general breakdown of society, and the glorification of people with money and little talent, everything that is immoral, unhealthy and perverted that is to blame for that kind of behaviour and the excuses for it.
I have to disagree on this point. We bend over backwards to be sensitive to every other culture in the world-but get very little credit for it. I think Findalis in this case asked a very legitimite question-one that many black Americans have also expressed and are concerned about.
How about the violence against women that is practiced in Muslim communities? Are we to remain silent in the name of being sensitive?
I am not the only one asking this question. Oprah asked the same thing. Domestic Violence knows no faith, no color, no creed. It is seen in all cultures. But some cultures and religions have promoted it. When a rapper calls women whores and denigrates them, he is encouraging violence towards women. When a cleric (of any faith) tells his parishioners that it is ok to beat your wife (as long as the marks do not show), then those members of that faith will beat their wives.
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