
Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Three Little Pigs and the UN

Once upon a time, there were three little pigs. They lived in a land far, far away that was surrounded by a lot of big, bad wolves. But they thought they were safe because they had the United Nations to protect them. Boy, were they ever wrong.

One day, a Big Bad Wolf came to the straw house where one little pig lived. He huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down. The little pig managed to escape to his brother's house, which was made out of wood. The poor little pig complained to the UN, but they said nothing. All over the world, no one said anything.

Then the Big Bad Wolf came to the second house made of wood where the two piggies were living. He huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down. Fortunately, the two little piggies were able to escape. The two piggies complained to the UN, but the UN said nothing. No one in the world said a word.

This time, all three piggies built a strong house made of brick that the Big Bad Wolf could not penetrate. Furious, he complained to the UN, and the UN passed a bunch of resolutions condemning the brick house. Protests broke out all over the world condemning the Three Little Pigs and their brick house.

Then one day, the Big Bad Wolf came to the brick house with a plan. He was going to climb up on the roof and come down the chimney. However, the pigs built a roaring fire in the fireplace, and when the wolf came down he burned himself all over and ran off screaming.

Of course, he complained to the UN, and the UN reacted with more resolutions condemning the Three Little Pigs for harming the Big Bad Wolf. Worse yet, protests and riots broke out all over the world against the Three Little Pigs. In some places, pigs were assaulted by furious protesters (many of whom didn't want to anger Big Bad Wolves) and called names like "Swine", etc.

To that, the UN said nothing.

So the moral of the story is....don't depend on the UN.


Findalis said...

If the brick house doesn't work a couple of F-16, and Merkavas will do the trick.

Anonymous said...

You are the definition of "wasted time".

Gary Fouse said...


I am posting your comment because your language makes my case for me. I assume by your tripping remark that you are a UCI student. If so, your comment is a testiment to the failure of American universities to properly educate our youth. If you are going to defend your cause, you need to do better than just call people four-letter words. And as for tripping me in the hallway, you don't even have the nerve because you surely know by now that I am not intimidated by you and your ilk.

Anyway, I hope you took the time to click the ads so I can get a few bucks from your visit.

Damn, this job is easy.