
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Roland Burris-Building on that Mausoleum

The Burris Mausoleum-The sculptors are on hold.

News item: Senator Roland Burris (D-IL) now says that he did, in fact, have discussions about raising campaign funds for Rod Blagoyevich. Calls mount for him to resign.

If there could possibly be any additional room on that pre-fabricated mausoleum for Roland Burris in a Chicago cemetery, I suggest the following quotations from The Great Man, himself:

"No money was involved in my appointment."

"On second thought, it depends on what your definition of "money" is.

"I never discussed money with anyone."

"On second thought, it depends on what your definition of "discussed" is.

"On second thought, I think I'll be cremated."

"Weep not for me because I am not here. I decided cremation was a better idea."

Meanwhile, Senator Majority "Leader", Harry Reid issued a statement supporting the man he once vowed to keep out of the Senate for cooperating with state and federal officials investigating whether Burris committed perjury.

"We just have to wait and see" what happens on a number of investigative fronts."

"I don't think it's for me to say," Reid told reporters after a speech in Carson City. The "story seems to be changing day by day."

"It's too bad," Reid later added, "that we're having all this difficulty replacing Sen. Obama."

Now there's a leader among men.

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