"Hey, here's a star arriving now!"
"Fousesquawk, over here!"
(Tip of the hat to Hardrockhaven.com)
I wasn't going to watch the Oscars last night. I usually don't. As it was, I ended up watching the last couple of hours simply because there wasn't much else going on. I had gone out for Pollo Loco and finished off a bottle of wine with dinner. The blog was slow, so I figured what the hell. Might as well see who makes the biggest ass out of him/her self this year.
First the compliments: It was nice to see Jerry Lewis, who has been in ill health for many years, receive recognition for his humanitarian work. I also thought it was nice to see the Indian film industry (Bollywood) get attention with the movie, Slum Dog Millionaire (which I haven't seen yet. In fact, I haven't seen any other movies and probably won't.) And how about those hot Indian babes? (I know. I'm a sexist. Save the cards and letters.)
By the way, I heard a few references to Mumbai. If anyone mentioned the slaughter that took place there, it must have been in the first hour when I wasn't watching.
Now the bad news. As always, it was an exercise in narcissism and mutual ass-kissing playing to the monumental egos of the "stars". Thank God I missed the pre-Oscars with all those boobs prancing into the theatre and showing off what they were wearing. Angelina Jolie was wearing huge emeralds probably stolen from some temple in the jungles of South America, while some babe named Jenny Beer or something like that was outfitted in a shower curtain. I always get a kick out of watching the close-up audience shots of some star listening with rapt attention to whoever has the mike and is giving one of those "save the world" speeches. Jolie was doing that while making sure we all saw that obscene emerald on her hand matching the obscene ones hanging on her ears.
I was also dumbfounded by all the Rhodesians who were either receiving awards or handing them out. (I can always tell a Rhodesian by the accent.) Every five minutes there was another Rhodesian who had forgotten to comb his hair on the stage. Even the producers of Slum Dog were Rhodesians. They're taking over, I tell you. Where is Robert Mugabe when we need him? Of course, a lot of what I call the *Mox Nix awards went to mostly Rhodesians. Award for best cinematography? A Rhodesian. Best documentary? A Rhodesian. Best actress? A Rhodesian. Best grip? A Rhodesian. Even the MC, some guy named Jack Hughes or something like that, was a bloody Rhodesian. I missed who got best supporting actress, but I bet it was some Rhodesian.
I'll tell you another low point-which usually is done well-but not this year. The list of those who passed on. This year, the names and photos passed so quickly, and the lettering was so small, it was hard to keep up. Of course, Charlton Heston's name got little or no applause. (He was a conservative, you know.)
As for who made the biggest jerk out of himself (at least in the part I watched), it had to be none other than Sean Penn (who I wish were Rhodesian). He got best actor for his portrayal of Harvey Milk. Of course, Penn used his soapbox to tell us about some hateful signs he saw when he arrived (about what I have no idea). Then the man who cozies up to Hugo Chavez told those of us who voted against Proposition 8 that we "would stand in shame before our grandchildren".
Second place would have to go to Bill Maher (also a jerk), who just had to take a shot at believers with his reference to "silly Gods who cost us greatly."
So the 181st Oscars is in the books-"one for the ages" as they say in Hollywood. Somewhere Cary Grant is rolling in his grave.
Say....wasn't he a Rhodesian?
* Mox Nix- a bastardization of macht nichts-in German meaning something that doesn't matter.
Of course, Penn used his soapbox to tell us about some hateful signs he saw when he arrived (about what I have no idea). Then the man who cozies up to Hugo Chavez told those of us who voted against Proposition 8 that we "would stand in shame before our grandchildren
I thought that was well said...mainly because he's right. People will one day be as appalled by Prop 8 as they are appalled by how mixed-race marriage was once illegal. Geez Gary, the way you're acting, you'd think that somebody told you that you couldn't marry the person you loved or something.
Second place would have to go to Bill Maher (also a jerk), who just had to take a shot at believers with his reference to "silly Gods who cost us greatly."
The truth isn't always pleasant to hear.
As someone who is in a mixed-race marriage myself, I do not see the comparison.
As for Maher, it may or may not be the truth, but why did he have to take such a gratuitous slap at people of faith?
Why should you see the comparison? Nobody's telling you that you can't marry the person whom you love. If she's sick in the hospital, you get to be there with her.
However, it was once illegal to marry outside of your race, and the proponents for keeping it that way cited very similar arguments that the pro-Prop 8 crowd cite today (tradition, how the kids will be affected, etcetera).
Lucky for you, you were born in the right decade, huh? (And attracted to the opposite sex.)
Regarding Maher, I don't even disagree that he's a jerk - but he's my kind of jerk (on this issue, at least).
I was surprised that no one bashed Israel there. What were they thinking?
Gary, I agree with you once again. The best of the show was Beyonce.
I missed Beyonce. In fact I missed all the songs.
Findalis, I am sorry, but with all the Jews there why would there be any Israel bashing? I am tired of all the movies about Nazi Germany getting awards.
It is acceptable to bash Israel these days, Ingrid. Hell it is acceptable to be anti-Semitic too. I was sure Sean Penn was going to cry about the poor PalArabs while he was up there. Next time I guess.
It's acceptable to be anti-Semitic? I'm sorry, but that's asinine.
And no, I'm not denying that anti-Semitism is a problem, but to say that it's acceptable doesn't even approach a reasonable statement.
I think I know exactly what you and Findalis are saying. The three of us know that it is not acceptable to be anti-Semitic. But in certain quarters, you hear it. Sometimes it is disguised as anti-Zionism. Other times, it is more explicit. I have recently been exposed to it, seen it and heard it. In certain quarters, such as certain universities, it is acceptable.
Have you taken the time to watch the videos I post? I don't bother with the ones that simply chant, Free Palestine". The ones I post have definite anti-Semitic chants or overtones.
It is a problem and it is growing.
I don't disagree with what you just wrote, Gary, but saying that and saying that anti-Semitism is acceptable is one giant leap into crazy town.
Are we talking past each other? What I am saying is that in certain quarters, anti-Semitism is CONSIDERED acceptable. I condemn it.
We may be. Again, I'm not contradicting what you're saying, I'm contradicting the statement made by Findalis. What you're saying and what she said is not the same.
Of course it is acceptable. The trouble is Lance you aren't Jewish are you. You don't have to put up with it. You don't have to hide the Star of David around your neck or stop wearing the Kippur on your head? Do you? You aren't faced with violence for wearing such articles. I have been, and know others that have been attacked for the wearing of such articles. Yet the police will do very little, the media is silent on these attacks. It is open season on Jews in the West.
Findalis, it's not okay to bash anyone, but people do it just as some bend over backwards thinking they are doing the right thing. This is a way of life in a free society. All my childhood years I heard negative things about people of other races and religions. I raised Lance. Enough said.
You're right. I'm not a Jew, so it's very possible that I'm not as sensitive to the issue as I should be. Not only that, but I don't doubt your stories.
However, when you say "acceptable," that comes across as very different as simply stating that anti-Semitism exists. I can tell you that as a teacher, I have a great deal of affection for some of my Jewish students. There is no way that I'd tolerate any kind of anti-Semitism in my classroom, and I can't imagine any other teacher at my school allowing that sort of a thing to happen.
If it is as widespread as you're making it sound, then this is one of the most insidious conspiracies to ever come around. Perhaps it is though. All I know is, I don't hear a lot of anti-Semitism where I live - even when there aren't any Jews around to hear it.
I know I shouldn't keep barging in on your comments to Findalis, who doesn't need to speak. But maybe you should attend one of these MSA-sponsored anti-Israel events. "Apartheid Week" is coming to many campuses March 1-5. Or read about the events at York University, SFSU, UCLA, UCI, and so many other universities.
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