"Death to Fousesquawk!!"
A couple of days ago, I received a comment on one of my blog postings from Abraham (lnu). Though it appeared on the "Three Little Pigs and the UN" posting, it was in response to an article of mine that appeared on Frontpage.com. The article described an anti-Israel event at UC-Irvine of January 31, in which one of the featured panelists was ex-professor Norman Finklestein, a man who hates Israel, hates America, and apparently hates everything and everyone.
Since the response from Abraham was laced with profanities, I will not post it here, but it may be found below the Three Little Pigs posting where I have chosen to keep it posted for educational purposes.
The message really only merits a couple of points above and beyond what I have already replied to Abraham. First of all, he states that Norman Finklestein's parents were "barbequed" at Auschwitz. Even though he is defending Finklestein, this is at the very least an insensitive description of Auschwitz. Perhaps if Abraham would actually visit Auschwitz, as I have, he might use more respectful terms.
Secondly, though Finklestein apparently does have relatives who perished in or survived the Holocaust, it seems to me humanly impossible that his parents died in the Holocaust. Finklestein was born in 1953, so perhaps, Abraham would like to re-do his math. (According to Wikipedia, Finklestein's parents are concentration camp survivors.)
Finally, Abraham, since you are apparently a UCI student, I have sent your little letter to the appropriate officials at UCI with a request that they determine if you are, in fact, a UCI student, and if so, is this the way students communicate with UCI teachers-in other words, has there been a violation of the UCI code of conduct.
However, you shouldn't worry too much. If my guess is accurate, they will do nothing and inform me that it is all free speech and it happened off-campus and all that. If so, I will cheerfully accept their verdict and move on. However, it will all be documented.
Keep those cards and letters coming, folks.
Stephen Colbert has a segment on his show called "Who's Attacking Me Now?" I think you may be stealing his bit.
Yes, indeed. I am a VICTIM!
You got the joke, Gary. I'm proud of you.
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