Yvonne Ridley
Not unexpectedly, one of Britain's foremost fools is speaking out on the Israel-Gaza crisis. That would be none other than Yvonne Ridley, former news corespondent, now a convert to Islam and tool of Iran and other radical Islamist forces. Ridley was captured by the Taliban while trying to enter Afghanistan to cover the US invasion after 9-11. A couple of years back at UC-Irvine, I listened to her presentation on the experience in which she portrayed her captors as a bunch of harmless comedians-never mentioning the executions of women in the soccer stadiums and "all that other stuff". All in all, I thought her presentation was pretty vanilla on that evening. Ridley is vitriolic when it comes to the subject of Israel, however, and various videos are out there on the Internet in which she harangues crowds of radical Muslims in the UK against Israel. She is also noted for telling British Muslims not to cooperate with the police.
Now, in the face of the current conflict, Ridley, a former passenger of the good ship "Dignity", which delivers all kinds of goodies to Gaza and was intercepted by the Israeli Navy a few days ago, has chosen to weigh in on that incident. Her statements appear on Ikhwan-the English-language website of the Muslim Brotherhood. It is entitled; "Pirates of the Mediterranean". You can read it below:
Especially hilarious are her references to Cynthia McKinney, whom she referred to as a "revered politician" and a "woman of substance". (I'll say though Yvonne and I may diasgree on what substance.)
"It is also worth pointing out that Dignity was clearly flying the flag of Gibraltar, and was piloted by an English captain with a passenger list including revered politician Cynthia McKinney from the US. The Israeli Government Press Office director was faxed the entire passenger list and press release shortly after Dignity set sail. Cynthia is a former Congresswoman from Georgia, and the 2008 Green Party US presidential candidate. She was traveling to Gaza to assess the ongoing conflict."
I would not even attempt to analyze why Ridley, after her experience with the Taliban, felt inspired not only to convert to Islam (which is her right), but to embrace its more radical elements in the UK. She attempted to explain it that evening she appeared at UCI, but it was lost on me.
I do know that this is a dangerously misguided individual who will probably spend the rest of her life following the path of militant Islam. Maybe someday, she will go down in British history as a latter day "Lord Haw Haw" (William Joyce), the British follower of Nazism who made enemy broadcasts from Germany to England during World War II. I suppose she has not yet crossed that line under British law. At the least, however, she should be characterized as a useful idiot.
Who would fund such a trip for McKinney? Somehow, I just can't see her walking the streets of Gaza. She would fit in:-)
I've read several of Ridleys writings. I don't know what goes on with these women, but I don't think it's anything spiritual. Can it be the heady power of being a high-profile Muslim woman who speaks English? I can't see here taking any crap off of any Muslim man.
I don't know. She apparently (according to her) gave hell to he Taliban captors.
Perhaps, after watching Israel's humiliating retreat from Gaza you might want to watch this and then ask who is a Nazi supporter and who isn't.
Ms Ridley,
I took the time to watch the 5 minute speech by British MP Gerald Kaufman, which you referenced. Sorry to say that it left little impression on me. He equated the cold-blooded murder of his grandmother by a German soldier with the civilians killed in Gaza. He used the term "murder" to refer to the civilians in Gaza who sadly have been killed-largely because the Hamas fighters situate themselves in the midst of the civilian population. When he described himself as a friend of Yassir Arafat (a corrupt, murdering terrorist), he lost me completely.
I also linked to the speech by MP George Galloway, who also described himself as a friend of Arafat. Not surprising, since he was also a friend of Saddam Hussein, who bought him off like the corrupt politician that he is.
However, I don't see how these two speeches have anything to do with your premise about the "humiliating" Israeli retreat from Gaza. Maybe we are watching two different events unfolding.
I am amazed that you were previously a journalist
considering your obvious bias and misrepresentation of the events.
Unfortunately, the Israeli government has to consider "world opinion" every time they defend themselves against these murderous terrorists-whom you defend.
Yes, I was present during your presentation at UCI and wondered how you could describe the Taliban in such humerous, benign terms while not saying a word about the executions of women in soccer stadiums. I am not in the habit of disrupting speakers-that I consider a tactic of the left. You had the right to say whatever you wish in America even coming onto our soil and defaming our president-something I would never do on the soil of another country. Frankly, I don't know why you were even allowed to come to America.
In spite of the format of the Q&A after your presentation, which was not designed for direct questions from the audience except for written questions passed up to the moderators, I regret that I did not stand up and ask you about the executions in the soccer stadiums by the Taliban. I do want to say, however, that you aligned yourself with an MSU at UCI that has continually brought in speakers who are vicious in their hatred of Israel, as well as America and Jews in general.
You, Madame, have every right to convert to and practice any religion you wish. Unfortunately, you have embraced the worst of Islam-that segment which seeks to destroy whatever is not Muslim. You are part of what can only be described as a 5th column in the UK.
You and your ilk may have cowed the people of the UK into accepting the outrageous behavior of its Muslim population, but it won't work in America. We will not accept Shariah or any variation thereof. It is unfortunate that many American Muslims are starting to emulate their co-religionists in Britain by isolating themselves from the mainstream public with their defense of terrorists like Hamas.
Final point: The vast majority of the American people stand with Israel. Don't be misled by watching news reports of a few thousand yahoos taking to the streets and chanting slogans like, "Long Live Hitler" and "Go back to the ovens." That is the side you represent, Ms Ridley.
I for one will continue to report on these events and quote the expressions of Jew-hatred that go along with these demonstrations. I am fighting to prevent a resurgence in anti-Semitism in my country. After all, as you well know, the whole issue in Israel is not about land-it is about religion.
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