Bill Richardson- Can you find the Change?
In yet another example of the "Change" that Barack Obama is bringing to Washington, New Mexico Governor and Commerce Secretary-designate Bill Richardson has withdrawn his name from nomination, a move Obama accepted with the usual "regret".
The reason that Richardson is withdrawing? It is due to an on-going grand jury investigation into a "pay for play" arrangement (where have we heard that before?) whereby a California-based company, CDR Financial Products, received a huge contract with the New Mexico Finance Authority coupled with campaign contributions to two of Richardson's "organizations".
Richardson insists that he did nothing wrong and stated that he will remain governor of New Mexico "for now" (no change).
According to an NBC report, CDR reportedly made $1.48 million advising the New Mexico Finance Authority on interest-rate swaps and refinancing of funds connected to $1.6 billion in transportation bonds issued by the agency, which has been confirmed by state officials. Reportedly, the firm and its president, David Rubin contributed $100,000 to two Richardson organizations just prior to winning the contract. The Grand Jury is investigating whether Richardson put pressure on the state agency to give the contract to CDR.
Change we can believe in.
In addition, CDR's attorney, Richard Beckler, was questioned about the investigation by Washington Post reporters over the telephone on December 15 and made only this statement:
"CDR has always tried to abide by these byzantine campaign finance regulations and is cooperating fully with this investigation."
Byzantine? Change?
Oh, yee suckers.
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