Israeli school in Beershiva hit by Hamas rocket attack, December 31, 2008
The death of Hamas leader Nizar Rayan is good news even if tempered with the fact that members of his family were killed with him including two of his four wives and four of his six children. Yet, that fact should not be used as a propaganda tool by the Hamas terrorists.
The fact is that Rayan knew he was a target of Israeli bombs, yet refused to leave his residence, which he knew would likely be hit. It was his wish to become a martyr, and become a martyr he did. Apparently, he also made that decision for his family as well. He could have moved them to safety-as as any rational man would have done- but he chose to expose the rest of his family to "martyrdom" as well.
This incident is just another example of the sick ideology that has permeated the Palestinians, where mothers raise their children to become suicide bombers to be recruited by the Rayans and others. (Rayan was considered among other things, a "mentor" to suicide bombers in addition to being a lecturer on Islamic law at a university in Gaza.) This is what Rayan was teaching to Palestinian youth.
One would think that the people in Gaza would want to be known by the outside world for more positive accomplishments than suicide, homicide, bombs, death and destruction. How about building something? How about discovering something? How about curing a disease?
Why is it that since the Israelis pulled out of Gaza in August 2005, forcing unwilling Jewish settlers out by force in the process, that the leadership in Gaza could not use that opportunity to build a constructive society? Instead, they chose to rain rockets into Israel until it could no longer be tolerated by the Israelis (Of course, it was tolerated by the outside world, the EU and the UN.) And, as is their custom, Hamas, like Hizbollah, uses civilians in residences, mosques and schools as their human shields, quick to bring in the world's media to show the "innocent victims of Israeli's military" when non-combatants are inevitably killed. Israel uses every precaution available to avoid the taking of innocent life even at increasing the risk to its soldiers. In contrast, the killers of Hamas and Hizbollah deliberately target innocent civilians, the elderly, women and children. Yet the outside world looks the other way and only raises objections when Israel fights back. We even read of demonstrations against Israel in India, where the lessons of Mumbai have apparently already been forgotten.
Oh, those "inconvenient Jews", the Israelis. If only Israel would go away, we could live in peace with the Muslim world, not fear terrorist attacks against ourselves and have all the Middle East oil we need. Of course, we may have to take away our freedoms, change our religion and cover up our women to keep the Muslim world happy, but that would be a small price to pay now, wouldn't it?
Peace in our time, if you will.
No, I say good riddance with the Nizar Rayans of the world. I say let Israel finish the job of wiping out Hamas. Their enemies are our enemies.
Ah yes, he is in Paradise with his 72 virgins. Funny how nobody has ever come back from Paradise to confirm that fact.
Another cockroach gone, but there are thousands to take his place.
"two of his four wives"
only in islam.
terrorists like rayyan shouldn't be allowed to procreate. he sent one of his son's to kill jews on a suicide mission. he also organized the attack in the port of ashdod.
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