Fousesquawk stands with the nation of Israel in its fight to defend itself.
Fousesquawk condemns the actions of Hamas in sending rockets into Israel.
Fousesquawk stands with the Jewish people against those who use the issue of Israel to revive and spread anti-Semitism in the West.
It's that simple.
Exactly. Simple is as simple does... or is that Stupid is as Stupid Does... which brings us full circle to Hamas is as Hamas does...
Great post regarding the CAIR thing. Thanks.
Gary, why is it exactly that you support Israel? Not just in this, but generally speaking.
Why do I support Israel? I'll try to keep it short, but that is not easy.
My whole adult life, I have been seeing Israel's enemies using ghastly terrorist means to fight. It started with airplane hijackings, kidnappings, massacres at airports, the Munich Olympics, etc. Now it is suicide bombings.
From its inception, Israel has been surrounded by the hostile Arab world which refuses to acknowledge the right to exist of a tiny Jewish state in its midst.
Israel has fought bravely and resolutely against a larger enemy intent on destroying her. Read about the 1967 war when they defeated virtually the entire Arab world that was gathered on her border ready to attack. Read about the rescue at Entebbe. It is inspiring.
Contrary to what you may read, Israel goes to great lengths to avoid civilian casualties even increasing the risk to her own soldiers. This war is a classic example. They have actually called ahead to sites that were going to be bombed. It was the same in 2006 when they fought Hizbollah.
Israel's enemies fight like barbarians. They blow up pizza parlors and buses. They lob rockets aimed at civilian targets.
I have never been convinced that the so-called Palestinian people are the rightful occupants of this piece of land. But if they had made their case in a peaceful civilized manner, they would have had their Palestinian homeland as far back as 1948. Instead they have reached for the sword over and over again.
No matter what they say, they don't want a peaceful settlement. They want it all.
I also feel that the Palestinians are no friends of ours. They danced in the streets on 9-11. yet we pour millions into aid to them-and for what?
If you think that removing Israel from the world scene will pave the way to universal peace with the overall Muslim world, you are sadly mistaken. This is not about land-it is about religion.
I think you should take the time to read about how Britain and France allowed Hitler to have tiny Czechoslovakia- a land Neville Chamberlain referred to as "one about which we know so little"-and the lessons that we should take from it.
By the way- I think George Bush has it right on this issue. He puts the blame right where it belongs-on Hamas.
I hope that helps.
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