Dr Mads Gilbert
There has been a lot of press attention directed toward a certain Norwegian doctor named Mads Gilbert, who is presently in Gaza treating victims of the on-going war in a Gazan hospital. Dr Gilbert, who is part of the so-called Norwegian Aid Coalition, has been interviewed by the BBC, CNN, ABC, NBC and CBS to name a few. Of course, Dr Gilbert (who can be seen in the photo wearing a Palestinian kaffiya), is quite critical of Israel.
As part of Dr Gilbert's criticism of Israel, he states that to date, he has seen only one or two Hamas fighters who have been killed or injured. All the rest have been civilians. That is an interesting observation given the fact that Hamas doesn't have a uniform to wear. They are dressed in civilian clothes. Of course, that is part of their pattern of hiding behind civilians, making sure that their rocket launchers are situated in the midst of civilian locations like schools, residences and hospitals, and generally making sure that their own people take maximum casualties so that they (Hamas) can play the international press like a violin.
The fact is that the Israel IDF is taking more precautions to limit Gazan civilian casualties than is Hamas-a fact lost on the international media, which is singing the Hamas line.
What the media is also conveniently leaving out is the background of Dr Gilbert. The fact is that Dr Gilbert is a member of the Norwegian Rodt party (Red Party). In short, he is a communist.
Well, what's wrong with that you ask. Isn't the Cold War over? Are we still looking for a communists under every bed? Try this hat on for size: After 9-11, this good doctor cheered. he voiced support for this atrocity committed against the US. His comments were made to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet.
But perhaps, the network you heard interviewing Dr Gilbert in Gaza didn't tell you that, so that you could know where this man was coming from.
This is what the media is doing, folks-on an international scale. During the American election, didn't we witness the same thing (our media openly taking sides)? Every day, Hamas is going to take the photographers to film the innocent victims that they (Hamas) are helping to create so that we can see them on the front page of every newspaper. They won't show you the innocent Israelis hurt or killed by Hamas rocket fire. As Dennis Prager pointed out on his radio show today, did you ever see a front page photo of any of the slaughtered victims in the Congo? Of course not.
The next time in the coming days that you see or hear Dr Gilbert being interviewed, check and see if the network mentions anything about his background.
What the media also didn't tell you is that all the other foreign doctors were kicked out of Gaza by them. They wouldn't turn over medical supplies to Hamas and wouldn't be part of their propaganda machine.
This is the first I've heard of this guy.
Just curious though, exactly how many Israelis have been killed by Qassam rockets in the last 9 years or so (2000-2008)?
Yeah, but this slug was only too happy to oblige.
2 dozen killed before start of Operation Cast Lead and over 300 wounded.
Only now do you hear of it. That is because you refuse to believe the truth coming out of the Middle East and see only the propaganda (yes that is what it is) coming from the Palestinians and their supporters.
At no pro-Israel rally to you ever see or hear a call to murder Muslims. On the other side you see this:
There is no excuse for it.
I don't know the answer, nor do I care. Enough to justify a sovereign state going after the ones doing it from across the border.
If these rockets were flying into San Diego from Tijuana, wouldn't we demand that the Mexican Govt put an end to it through appropriate police or military action? But what if the Mexican Govt was doing the rocket launching?
The "invasion" would not be going on if the Palestinians placed any value on human life.
For a few weeks they claim they have no electricity, no water.
There are countries around the globe that live this way every single day. It is not impossible to make life go on so the extent of the humanitarian crises is suspicious.
I wonder if the good doctor does much for Palestine when Israel isn't smashing them...like taking care of their medical needs on a daily basis? Naw, he problably shows up when he can garner some press.
How do you feel much for a people who embrace their hatred and are not willing to make a decent society for themselves. They've had years and years to do so.
As a doctor I applaud Dr Mads for his courageous humanitarian efforts in Gaza.
Doctors save people whether Palestinian, Israeli, part of Hamas or part of the Israeli Cabinet. His political opinions do not detract from the benefit he has done people during the past few weeks.
How many of us posting comments on this blog have saved a life in the past four weeks? How many of us have given up our voluntary time to help others?
Like the famous proverb: to save a life is as if you have saved the whole world, and if you take one life it as though you have taken the whole world.
Killing innocent people is wrong on both sides and nobody can hide behind the claims of collateral damage.
I have no problem with Dr Mads saving lives in Gaza. It is the political agenda that he is pushing. Now we are learning that many of these death totals claimed are open to question. This man is anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian. That is why he is there. The man has a radical left political agenda that he is pushing here.
And as far as the "how many of us have saved lives..." I spent an entire career in drug law enforcement- a public service that entailed a certain amount of risk if you know what I mean. I don't need that lecture.
It`s so funny... You Americans, (off course not all of you, but most of you commenting on this blog...), know so little about the rest of the world. Start interacting, be interested for real, not only for the purpose of USA, and then I might listen to what you have to say. The world is so much bigger than what you see, and we are not all raised in the belief of Jesus or any other God. Does that mean that we are worth any less than you? I`ve chosen to have no religion. But at the same time, I don`t approve any killings of ANY kind of innocent people. And I think that`s what Mr. Mads, (Or Dr. Gilbert...), is trying to say. As far as I know, as a fellow Norwegian, he is not connected to any organizations, either on the left or right wing in Norway. As written before: Please check his background, and don`t be surprised if you don`t find the bad information you are posting here. Actually, there is still people in this world, trying to do the best for humanity, not for a cause. Believe it or not.
To use your own words, it's so funny-YOU EUROPEANS-know so little about what you say about America.
First of all, I know a little bit about the rest of the world. I lived in Germany three years, three years in Thailand, five years in Italy, and my wife is Mexican. I speak all of those languages plus a few more-even Swedish. I have spent time in over 50 countries in my life.
Whether you choose to be a Christian or not is of no concern to me. I don't think it has anything to do with this subject except you just wanted to take a slap at us for being more religious. I have news for you. In about two more generations, you Europeans are going to wake up and find your countries have become majority Muslim-and you won't be secular any longer.
As for the doctor in question, he is a member of the Norwegian version of the communist party.
Frankly, I find your smugness irritating.
Hilde is a prime example of why "the rest of the world" is in the mess it's in.
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